Saturday 011110
Snatch, 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Rest as warranted
Drive through 3 Rounds of this circuit:
20 Push ups
10 Squat Clean
Glute Ham developer Medicine Ball Throw Sit up, 2 minutes
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Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Saturday 011110
Snatch, 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Rest as warranted
Drive through 3 Rounds of this circuit:
20 Push ups
10 Squat Clean
Glute Ham developer Medicine Ball Throw Sit up, 2 minutes
Thursday 011101
Back squat, 5-5-3-3-1-1 reps
Tabata Squat/Push-up Intervals.
First interval (20 seconds) Squat, rest (10 seconds),
second interval (20 seconds) Push-ups.
In this manner alternate all 8 intervals.
Score the eight intervals by finding the weakest product
(multiply) of squat and push-up reps from all eight intervals.
Time 100 Push-upsNotes:
1. Same structural theme as M-Tu- and W
Saturday 011027
Five rounds for time of:
25 Push ups
20 Back squat; bodyweight
25 Sit ups
Monday 011015
50 Sit-ups.
Deadlift moderate load, 15 reps (use full size plates).
Push-ups off dumbbells, 25 reps.
Deadlift same load with 25 pound plates, 15 reps
Push-ups off dumbbells, 20 reps.
Deadlift same load with 10 pound plates, 15 reps
Push-ups off dumbbells, 15 reps
Deadlift same load with 5 pound plates, 15 reps
Push-ups off dumbbells, 10 reps
50 Sit upsNotes:
1. The idea with the deadlifts is to increase the range of motion
CAREFULLY with increasingly deeper (smaller plates) deadlifts.
2. Use super-strict form on the push-ups and sink LOW!
3. Move through with little to no rest.
Thursday 010920
15 Back Extension
1 Rope Climb
20 Push ups
1 Rope Climb
25 Sit ups
1 Rope ClimbNotes:
1. If able climb the rope from a seated posture and maintain an "L" throughout.
2. No ugly push-ups.
3. Sit-up of your choice.
4. Don't swing the back extension, no momentum.
Monday 010917
For time:
1000 meter Row
20 Clean and Jerk
1000 meter RowNotes:
1. Load for Clean and Jerk is not to exceed 100% of bodyweight.
2. Time entire effort.
3. Use push-jerk, not split-jerk.
4. Warm-up with Sit-up, Back/Hip extension, Squat, Pull-up, Push-up circuit. Go easy.
5. Heads-up! Wednesday and Friday will play on today's theme.
Tuesday 010918
Seven rounds for time of:
From a push-up position, lower your hand placement about a foot.
Press to a handstand while a friend deadlifts your ankles and presses
to overhead as you press to the handstand.
Ten Pull-ups
25 Sit up on Glute-Ham developer.
Tuesday 010911
Ten rounds for time of:
No cheating, super-clean technique.
5 Pull-ups
5 Push-ups
5 Squats (free-squat or "air squat")
5 Sit-ups (on Roman Chair/Glute-Ham Developer)
5 Back Extensions
Wednesday 010815
Three rounds for time of:
Walking Lunge 50 steps
50 Push-up
4 "L"-Rope ClimbNotes:
1. Lunge requires trailing knee to "kiss" the ground on each step.
2. Push-ups only count if body is perfectly straight and chest comes to ground.
3. L-Rope climb is a rope climb with your legs straight out in front of you.
Wednesday 010801
30 Strict Push-ups
15 Back Extensions
25 Push-ups feet elevated 1 foot from floor.
12 Back Extensions
20 Push-ups feet raised 2 feet from floor
9 Back Extensions
15 Push-ups feet raised 3 feet from floor
6 Back Extensions
10 Push-ups feet raised 4 feet from floorNotes:
1. Strict push-ups allow for no sag in the body.
2. Don't swing the Glute-ham raise. Move slowly and deliberately.