Monday 020810
Hang clean 5-5-5 reps
Three rounds for time of:
20 Squat
20 Sit-ups
20 Back extension
Max Pull-ups
Max Push-ups
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Monday 020810
Hang clean 5-5-5 reps
Three rounds for time of:
20 Squat
20 Sit-ups
20 Back extension
Max Pull-ups
Max Push-ups
Monday 020729
Seven rounds for time of:
Walking lunge, 10 steps
10 Pull ups
10 Push ups
Sunday 020721
How many pull-ups can you do in twenty minutes doing three at a time?
Rest 10 minutes.
How many push-ups can you do in twenty minutes doing five at a time?
Friday 020628
Three rounds:
5 Push press
1 minute Push ups
Rest as needed
Wednesday 020320
Five rounds of the couplet:
10 Deadlift
30 Push up
Rest 2 minutes.Notes:
1. No rest between deadlift and push-ups.
2. Select max 10 rep load
Tuesday 020305
1 Rope Climb
10 Dips (on rings if you've got 'em)
10 Pull-up
15 Push-up
Saturday 020223
Can you perform this sequence every minute on the minute for thirty minutes?
Straight arm, straight body, straight leg pull to inverted hang on pull-up bar.
Lower to normal hang and perform 1 pull-up.
Lower to hang and pull knees to elbows.
Drop and perform 7 squats.
Drop to floor and perform three push-ups.Notes:
Count total circuits completed within thirty minutes. Straight-straight-straight pull to inverted hang is tough curl up enough
to more readily pull to inverted hang then extend the body and lower back
to normal hang "straightened out." Incidentally, this is a whole body workout of immense practicality.
Wednesday 020206
Seven rounds for time of:
5 Pull ups
7 Dips (use rings if you got'em)
1 Rope climb
10 Push ups
12 Back/Hip Extension
15 Sit ups
20 Squats
Thursday 020207
Seven rounds for time of:
5 Pull ups
7 Dips (use rings if you got'em)
1 Rope climb
10 Push ups
12 Back/Hip Extension
15 Sit ups
20 Squats
Thursday 020131
For time:
50 Push-ups
50 Pull-ups
75 Sit-ups
75 Kettlebell Swings, 1 "pood" kettlebell (16kg)
150 Air SquatsPerform in any order. The idea is to perform each in as
few sets as possible. All of the reps from each exercise do not have
to be completed before starting some from another exercise.
Keep track of the reps and tally the total sets to completion.
Note time to completion. Final score is total number of sets
multiplied by time in minutes to completion.Notes:
1. One possible approach is to perform a near max set of push-ups,
go on to the pull-ups, do the same with the sit-ups, etc. After the squats,
go back to the push-ups and run through the list again finishing as much
as you can at each exercise.
2. Seven sets total in ten minutes for a "70" is an excellent score!