Tuesday 010925
1 Pull-up
1 Dip
1 Sit-up
2 Pull-ups
2 Dips
2 Sit-ups
3 Pull-ups
3 Sit-ups
Get it?
Continue this sequence as far as you can for exactly 30 minutes.Notes.
1. No "crappy" pull-ups, dips, or sit-ups. Perfect form, please.
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Tuesday 010925
1 Pull-up
1 Dip
1 Sit-up
2 Pull-ups
2 Dips
2 Sit-ups
3 Pull-ups
3 Sit-ups
Get it?
Continue this sequence as far as you can for exactly 30 minutes.Notes.
1. No "crappy" pull-ups, dips, or sit-ups. Perfect form, please.
Monday 010917
For time:
1000 meter Row
20 Clean and Jerk
1000 meter RowNotes:
1. Load for Clean and Jerk is not to exceed 100% of bodyweight.
2. Time entire effort.
3. Use push-jerk, not split-jerk.
4. Warm-up with Sit-up, Back/Hip extension, Squat, Pull-up, Push-up circuit. Go easy.
5. Heads-up! Wednesday and Friday will play on today's theme.
Tuesday 010918
Seven rounds for time of:
From a push-up position, lower your hand placement about a foot.
Press to a handstand while a friend deadlifts your ankles and presses
to overhead as you press to the handstand.
Ten Pull-ups
25 Sit up on Glute-Ham developer.
Tuesday 010911
Ten rounds for time of:
No cheating, super-clean technique.
5 Pull-ups
5 Push-ups
5 Squats (free-squat or "air squat")
5 Sit-ups (on Roman Chair/Glute-Ham Developer)
5 Back Extensions
Monday 010903
Three rounds of:
20 Walking Lunges; with dumbbells totaling 1/3 your bodyweight
20 Thrusters
20 Pull-ups
Rest three minutes.Notes:
1. Measure your pace so that “Thrusters” begin directly under your pull-up bar.
2. Each step of the lunge should drop the trailing knee so that it "kisses" the ground.
3. "Thrusters" begin in a deep squat and end in full hip, leg, and arm extension.
4. No crappy pull-ups. Adam's apple to bar at top, arms completely extended at bottom.
5. The twenty pull-ups are consecutive pull-ups. You don't come down from the bar
until they're done. Have someone assist you minimally if assistance is required.
Tuesday 010828
Three rounds for time of:
15 Glute Ham Developer Med Ball Sit ups
15 Pull upsNotes:
Lay back to horizontal with a medicine ball held overhead
(we're using an 8 pounder for this).
Quickly sit-up and throw the ball forward and level to the ground.
At the start, the medicine ball should be closer to the
ground than the head or shoulders
Monday 010820
Three rounds for time of:
20 pound Wall ball, 25 shots
15 Pull-upsNotes:
1. The Wall-ball drill is a front squat push press throw towards a
spot on the wall about two feet above max reach. On rebound catch,
recoil to squat and immediately squat, throw, catch, repeat.
2. Time workout for all three rounds
Monday 010813
Three rounds for time of:
Bike Sprint; 2 minutes
20 Pull-ups
20 Dips.
Rest 2 minutes.Notes:
1. Go as hard and fast as you can on the bike sprint.
2. Do as many of the pull-ups and dips as you can without assistance.
3. Absolutely no break until the dips are completed.
Thursday 010809
Five rounds for time of:
Body weight Bench press; 12 reps
12 Pull-ups
Tuesday 010807
Three rounds for time of:
3 Muscle-ups
50 sit-upsNotes:
1. Perform any sit-up you want.
2. If you're new to the site and don't know what a muscle-up is,
you can find it in today's link.
3. If you still can't perform the muscle up. Give us twenty-five pull-ups
and twenty-five dips per round.
4. Typically, you'll have the strength for a muscle-up when you can do
twenty pull-ups and dips without a pause.