If performed right, this is a technically professional movement to the extent of being a wonderful blend of art and science. It is worth spending time perfecting the different components of this movement before focusing on the complete movement of the Clean.
Row 1000 meters @ a 2:00/500 meter pace or greater
Sumo deadlift/high pull (1/2, 1/3, or 1/1 body weight) X 21 reps
Row 500 meters @ a 1:45/500 meter pace or greater
Powerclean (from ground) same load as Sumo dead/highs X 21 reps
Row 250 meters @ a 1:30/500 meter pace or greater
Front Squat, same load as Sumo dead/highs on 10" box X 21 reps
Powerclean 3X10-10-10 (Three sets of 10 reps).
Rest as needed before...
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Rope climb
15 Sit-ups
10 Thrusters off 10" box with dumbbells totaling 30% of your weight
15 Back extensions
Wall-Ball for 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds, and 120 seconds.
All throws two feet above reach!
Beat 20 throws in 30s, 30 in 60s, 40 in 90s, and 50 in 120s And....
Rest only as long as last effort....
30seconds on, 30 seconds off, 60 seconds on, 60 seconds off,
90 seconds on, 90 seconds off, 120 seconds on, done.
Total exercise 8 minutes. 20 lb medicine ball, and full squat for each throw.
Submit total throws for all efforts and bodyweight.
Roll through this circuit as many times as you can in 20 minutes.
Each station is one point. Submit number.
Rope climb, 2 trips
Lunge ten steps each leg, alternating
Clean & Jerk, 50% bodyweight X 10 reps
If you can't rope climb, do 15 pull-up, or twenty five assisted at minimal assistance.
For time:
Jump rope "Double under"; 90 seconds
8 Clean and Jerks; 1/2 body weight
6 Clean and Jerks; 3/4 body weight
4 Clean and Jerks; body weight
(no resting weight on ground)
Jump rope "Double under"; 90 seconds
Warm-up with five minutes of cardio, a single set each of sit-up,
back extension, air squat, pull-up, push-up, and finally stretch.
(This is the default CrossFit warm-up. Remember it, please.)
Complete your warm-up with each of the following using comfortable loads.
Deadlift, 1 set, 10 reps
Power Clean, 1 set, 10 reps
Front Squat, 1 set, 10 reps
Push Press, 1 set, 10 reps
Go heavy:
Clean and Jerk, 5 sets, 5,3,2,1,1 reps
Snatch, 5 sets, 5,3,2,1,1 reps
Row a record 2K.
When able,
Hang Clean 50% of bodyweight (.5BW), 21 reps
Rest only as needed
Row a 1K at 2K pace from first pass
When able,
Hang Clean .5BW, 21 reps
Rested only as needed
Row 500 meters at 2K pace from first pass
When able,
Hang Clean .5BW, 21 reps
Warm-up, of course, before beginning.
Each pass is easier than the one before except for fatigue.
Keep your faith and keep moving. Submit time for entire workout.
If you are up to the challenge, Hang Clean at 75% Body Weight