Wednesday 010613
Tabata Squats (no less than 15 squats per interval)
50 Sit-ups
Ten muscle ups
50 Sit-ups
Tabata Squats (no less than 15 squats per interval)We've seen this done in twenty minutes!
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Wednesday 010613
Tabata Squats (no less than 15 squats per interval)
50 Sit-ups
Ten muscle ups
50 Sit-ups
Tabata Squats (no less than 15 squats per interval)We've seen this done in twenty minutes!
Monday 010611
Continuous rotation of these two until you cannot do ONE pull-up. No rest, no pause.
20 pound Wall-ball, 25 shots
10 Pull-upsContinuous rotation of these two for five rotations. No rest, no pause.
Glute-ham raise 10 reps
Hang from bar raise knees to elbows 10 reps.Note:
The "Wall-ball" drill is performed from a deep squat EACH rep.
The ball is shot overhead two feet above reach.
Saturday 010609
Four rounds for time of:
2 Rope Climb
20 pound Wall-ball, 25 shots,
two feet above reach, FROM DEEP SQUAT EACH REP!!
15 Muscle Snatch, catch overhead at full hip extention,
not in squat, 15 reps @ 1/2 body weight
20 inch Box Jump, 20 reps
Thursday 010607
Set up weights ahead of time and plow through this workout with no resting or stalling.
Bike hard and fast for five minutes
Clean and Jerk 1/2 body weight 15 reps
Deadlift bodyweight for max reps
Clean and Jerk 1/2 body weight 15 reps
Squat body weight for max reps
Clean and Jerk 1/2 body weight 15 repsNice!
Thursday 010524
Deadlift 3-2-1-2-3 reps
Rest as needed before,Complete as many rounds in 15 minutes as you can of:
500 meter row
15 Knees to Elbows
20 Squat swith 20 lb. medicine ball to 10" box
Monday 010521
Wall-Ball for 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds, and 120 seconds.
All throws two feet above reach!
Beat 20 throws in 30s, 30 in 60s, 40 in 90s, and 50 in 120s And....
Rest only as long as last effort....
30seconds on, 30 seconds off, 60 seconds on, 60 seconds off,
90 seconds on, 90 seconds off, 120 seconds on, done.
Total exercise 8 minutes. 20 lb medicine ball, and full squat for each throw.Submit total throws for all efforts and bodyweight.
Roll through this circuit as many times as you can in 20 minutes.
Each station is one point. Submit number.
Rope climb, 2 trips
Lunge ten steps each leg, alternating
Clean & Jerk, 50% bodyweight X 10 repsIf you can't rope climb, do 15 pull-up, or twenty five assisted at minimal assistance.
Thursday 010517
Squat, 10" box, with weight 20-10-5-3-1
Three rounds each for time of:
Three minute stand on bike at 70 rpm
Twice up the rope (rope climb)
Twenty sit-ups
Fifteen back extensions
Saturday 010512
Five rounds for time of:
25 Squats
10 Pull-ups
10 DipsSubmit time and level of assistance for pull-ups and dips.
If assisted, keep assistance at same level throughout workout.
Total time and assistance amount is excellent indicator of your overall fitness.
Rush through!
Wednesday 010509
Warm-up with about ten minutes of EASY rowing. Then...
Row a 1K for time. Submit time.
Squat (10" box sqaut) 5-3-1 reps, submit total weight for all three sets
Saturday 010428
Rope Climb & Handstand, six ascents and twenty minutes of handstand practice.
Squat 4 sets, 10,8,6,4 reps
Row 2000 meters
Jump rope, double under for two minutes.
(Double under is where the rope passes under the legs twice for each jump)
Lunge forty steps, twenty each leg, alternating right and left.
Bench-press body weight for max reps.
Lunge twenty steps, ten each leg, alternating right and left leg with dumbbells totaling 1/3 your weight.
Bench-press body weight for max reps.
Lunge 10 steps, five each leg, alternating right and left leg with dumbbells totaling ½ your weight.
Bench-press body weight for max reps.