Friday 020412
Tabata squats
10 Muscle ups
Tabata squatsNotes:
1. Rest as needed.
2. Take minimal assistance on muscle-ups where needed.
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Friday 020412
Tabata squats
10 Muscle ups
Tabata squatsNotes:
1. Rest as needed.
2. Take minimal assistance on muscle-ups where needed.
Tuesday 020409
Five rounds of:
Back squat, 10 reps.
Walk on Hands 50 yards.Notes:
1. Easy pace - rest as needed between all efforts.
2. Have spotter hold ankles for Hand-walk.
3. Big load on squat.
Monday 020401
Three rounds each for time of:
100 Medicine ball squats
"Triple up" rope climbNotes:
1. "Triple-up" on rope is touching floor with toe-only between three ascents.
It's timed from floor to floor.
2. Squats that don't break paralell are insulting; subtract one for each.
3. Medicine ball is 20 lbs.
Friday 020329
Three rounds of:
1 mile Bike
20 Cleans; alternating powerclean and squat clean.Notes:
1. Power clean is pulling bar to racked position whereas
squat clean is pulling yourself down to racked position,
i.e., catching high and catching low.
2. Rest as and where needed, but not during cleans.
3. Go all out on sprints.
Thursday 020328
50 Sit-ups
Tabata Front Squats with Olympic Bar
50 Sit-upsNotes:
1. Tabata Interval is 20 seconds of work followed by
10 seconds of rest repeated for 8 intervals.
2. Rest before and after Tabata Squats
Wednesday 020313
Alternate exercises for 5 sets of each.
Hang Clean/Front Squat (combined move) 10 reps at bodyweight.
Rope Climb, twice up and down with touch and go only on bottom. (Doubles climbing length)Rest after rope as needed, not between clean/squat and rope!
Thursday 020307
Sit up 30-25-20,reps
Tabata Squats
Sit up 30-25-20, repsNotes:
1. It's time for a good number of our athletes to complete 20 squats
(full range - of course - the only one's we count)
in each of eight twenty second intervals.
2. Rest as desired between Sit-ups and Tabata Squats."Stick to the basics and when you feel you've mastered them it's time
to start all over again, begin anew - again with the basics -
this time paying closer attention."
- Greg GlassmanHere's Google's search for Tabata Intervals. Study up on this potent interval. Devastatingly efficient!
Saturday 020223
Can you perform this sequence every minute on the minute for thirty minutes?
Straight arm, straight body, straight leg pull to inverted hang on pull-up bar.
Lower to normal hang and perform 1 pull-up.
Lower to hang and pull knees to elbows.
Drop and perform 7 squats.
Drop to floor and perform three push-ups.Notes:
Count total circuits completed within thirty minutes. Straight-straight-straight pull to inverted hang is tough curl up enough
to more readily pull to inverted hang then extend the body and lower back
to normal hang "straightened out." Incidentally, this is a whole body workout of immense practicality.
Friday 020215
800 meter Run
Rest 5 minutes
500 meter Row
Rest 5 minutes.
20 pound Wallball, 50 shots.
REST 5 minutes.
1 mile BikeNotes:
1. Add times for all four efforts.
2. Wallball reps come from full squat and shot is two feet over reach.
Wednesday 020206
Seven rounds for time of:
5 Pull ups
7 Dips (use rings if you got'em)
1 Rope climb
10 Push ups
12 Back/Hip Extension
15 Sit ups
20 Squats