Watch “Pistol Variations” and practice proper technique in the single-leg squats. Reduce or modify the rope climbs to something that allows you to keep moving throughout.
Reduce the load of the snatches to a weight that is challenging but allows you to complete at least 10 reps unbroken when fresh. Beginners should also scale the volume.
Use a single dumbbell on the snatches and a pair for the thrusters.
♀ 35-lb. DBs ♂ 50-lb. DBs
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Reduce the reps and/or loading to complete this workout in 12-15 minutes. Each set of snatches and thrusters should be completed in only 1-2 sets with minimal rest in between.
Use a single dumbbell on the snatches and a pair for the thrusters.
♀ 35-lb. DBs ♂ 50-lb. DBs
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Reduce the reps and/or loading to complete this workout in 12-15 minutes. Each set of snatches and thrusters should be completed in only 1-2 sets with minimal rest in between.