Friday 030207
Four rounds for time of:
1000 meter Row
25 Dips
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Friday 030207
Four rounds for time of:
1000 meter Row
25 Dips
Sunday 030105
Tabata Squats
Rest 4 minutes
Tabata Squats
Rest 4 minutes
Tabata SquatsNotes:
1) The Tabata Interval is 20 seconds of work
followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times.2) Take the lowest number of squats from all
8 work intervals as the score for each Tabata effort.3) Add the three scores from each effort
for a total score for the workout.4) 60 is a good score.
Saturday 021116
Bike 20 minutes at a warm-up pace.
21 "Power squat":
Lower and rise as quickly as you can while maintaining PERFECT form.
21 "Bottom to bottom squat":
Lower to full squat position (thighs parallel to floor), hold for a full ten seconds, rise and immediately upon full extension of hip and leg return to bottom and hold for ten seconds.
21 "Super slow squat":
Take twenty seconds to reach bottom and twenty seconds to reach top again.How long can you maintain a 2:00 min. 500-meter pace average?
Set the rower for "Avg 500 meter pace" and stop and record the
time at the instant you fall under the 2:00 minute average
(2:00 for men and 2:10 for women).
Thursday 021107
Good mornings 5-5-3-3-1-1 reps
Complete as many rounds in 7 minutes as you can of:
7 Dips
7 Good mornings
Dips, max reps in 2 minutes
Dips, max reps in 90 seconds
Dips, max reps in 60 secondsNotes:
1. The idea is to not hurry through the opening Good Mornings
and the Finishing Dips, yet "mow" through the Dip/Good Morning circuit.
2. Bad form can cripple.
Sunday 021103
Two rounds for time of:
Tabata Squat
Handstand walk, 4 minutesNote: If you can't walk on your hands hold a handstand
for as much of the 4 minutes as possible.
Thursday 021003
2000 meter Row
Rest for 2000 meter time
1000 meter Row
Rest for 1000 meter time
500 meter Rowor
800 meter Run
Rest for 800 meter time
400 meter Run
Rest for 400 meter time
200 meter Run
Sunday 020901
Tabata Squat
Sit-up, 75 reps
1. Pace at will.
2. Sit-up in as many sets as needed.
Wednesday 020717
Tabata sqaut
1 mile Run
Tabata squat
Wednesday 020605
Tabata Squats
Rest 10 minutes
Tabata Squats
Rest 10 minutes
Tabata Squats
Saturday 020601
For time:
30 Handstand push ups
Pactice “L” hold between efforts/sets.Notes:
1. Use assistance as needed.