Row a record 2K.
When able,
Hang Clean 50% of bodyweight (.5BW), 21 reps
Rest only as needed
Row a 1K at 2K pace from first pass
When able,
Hang Clean .5BW, 21 reps
Rested only as needed
Row 500 meters at 2K pace from first pass
When able,
Hang Clean .5BW, 21 reps
Warm-up, of course, before beginning.
Each pass is easier than the one before except for fatigue.
Keep your faith and keep moving. Submit time for entire workout.
If you are up to the challenge, Hang Clean at 75% Body Weight
You've got 20 minutes to do as many pull-ups, squats (free-squat, or air squat),
push-ups, and sit-ups and back extensions as possible. There's one rule; the total
number of reps must include equal counts of each exercise. Work hard and fast.
(I'd suggest you try reps of five of each and see if you can move continuously for the thirty minutes.)
Let's put some energy in to the five CrossFit Challenges (No's 1-5)
Vertical-leap 1/2 your body height.
Muscle-up 10 times in a row without touching ground or coming off of the rings.
Run 1 mile then complete a single set of bench press at body weight 21 reps, all within 10 minutes.
Beat Garth Taylor's 1:25.5 500-meter Row.
21 reps of dumbbell "thrusters" at 1/2 your body weight.
Don't let the enormity of the challenge deter your trying! Make a serious attempt at each
challenge and record the result. Save for late comparison. If you cannot do a muscle-up,
try anyway; the struggle is more important than the accomplishment.
Daniel Kawika Bennett has achieved number 2, number 4 is Garth Taylor's,
and number 5 belongs to Cameron Earle. No one has completed two challenges
"Tabata Interval" Squat
(Squat for 20 seconds, rest for ten, repeat for total of 8 efforts in 4 minutes)
Rest 4 minutes
20 Pull-ups (assisted if needed), followed immediately by 20 reps Bench press
Rest 3 minutes
15 Pull-ups, followed immediately by 15 reps Bench press
Rest 2 minutes
10 Pull-ups, followed immediately by 10 reps Bench press
Rest 1 minute
"Tabata Interval" Squat
(Squat for 20 seconds, rest for ten, repeat for total of 8 efforts in 4 minutes)
Take note of the weakest number of squats in each of the 16 intervals.
Use the least amount of assistance possible to complete the pull-ups and use
max load on bench press.
This entire workout takes just over twenty minutes. Take note of the devastation.
Ask yourself what it is that your friends are doing in the gym for hours at a time.
Most of you are a little beat up by now. Let's work a little triathlon CrossFit style, short and hard.
Bike 3 miles
Swim 500 meters
Run 1000 meters
The challenge will be to set up the transitions to minimize the transition time.
Share with us your total time for all three legs and your transition strategy.
We’re leaving the order of events to your discretion!!
If the triathlon community competed at these distances or shorter, the triathlete
would be a much better athlete!
And finally, for our athletes, today represents a day of active rest. Some rest, huh?
If this seem to far you are right.
You are also the victim of our little April Fool's Day Joke.
Actually, today is a rest day. Stretch, play, and relax.
Make it active rest though. Do something active and fun
The idea here is to match the numbers of the second half with the number of the first half.
Go through this slowly! Take as much time as you need.
Work for your best effort in each exercise.
*Dumbell Thruster is from a full squat to a push press overhead
Each of these exercises is one set at five reps. Take any rest needed between exercises.
Upright row
Back Squat
Power Clean (from ground)
Dumbbell "Thruster" (front squat/push-press)
Clean and Jerk
Add your total lifted for all nine exercises and divide by your body weight.
Highest ratio leads ranking.
On Monday we worked gymnastics/calisthenic movements, on Tuesday we worked
metabolic conditioning with a short, middle, and long distance effort, Wednesday we
worked through some of the classics of weightlifting and weight training. Today we
are taking a day of active rest. If you’ve performed to expectation you’ll welcome the
break. If you know our methods, you'll make an intelligent inference about tomorrow (hint).
The idea here is to engage in some sport or activity at intensity above recreational while
being below our regular training intensity. Don't count your primary sport! This is a
cross-training opportunity. Step outside your normal bounds. Below are some suggestions.
Bicycle Hill Climb
Hoops! (Basketball)
Mountain Hike
Surf Paddle
Handball or racquetball