Friday 010420
Max set of pull-ups
Run 800 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Run 400 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Run 200 metersReport entire time for workout and total for pull-ups.
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Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Friday 010420
Max set of pull-ups
Run 800 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Run 400 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Run 200 metersReport entire time for workout and total for pull-ups.
Sunday 010415
Do three sets of chin-ups. Give yourself entirely to this task.
100% Take any rest needed between sets.
Total three sets and submit.Do three sets of squats on a ten-inch box. Squat to seated, relax, and squat
to stand with no sudden movements or postural shifts. The “landing” should
be invisible to the observer. 50,35,20 reps with one minute break between sets.Time one hundred push-ups. Submit time.
How many sit-ups (good controlled ones, like the abmat sit-up)
can you do in five minutes? Submit count.Can you do thirty back extensions without "throwing" a single rep?
Monday 010416
Warm-up with back extension, sit-up, pull-up, push-up, squat, and stretching.
About ten to twelve minutes of near constant movement.One minute of jump rope (double under if you're able) followed by one minute of rest.
Repeat for a total of five times.Practice your handstand and handstand push-up.
Try for three sets of handstand push-ups.One set of back squats at twenty-one reps. Max weight.
Cool-down with back extension, sit-up, push-up, squat, and stretching.
About ten to twelve minutes of near constant movement
Tuesday 010417
Row three 500-meter efforts separated by not more than 5 minutes.
Anyone sub 1:30 all three?One set of push-ups. Please, only count the ones that lower the body
rigidly as a unit to the floor and rise to full extension. T
hese are RARE! Who's got 50?!Two sets of deadlift. 5RM and 3RM loads. Warm-up sets don't count.
Anyone twice body weight?
Wednesday 010411
Today we are rowing some intervals that take us to the middle of the lactic acid pathway.
Set the CII Rower for intervals a minute long with a minute's rest.
We are going to row ten of the intervals. This is a twenty-minute workout.
On the efforts, set the rower to projected meters and row the first interval at 95%
On the rest, row easy, maximizing your recovery.
On subsequent intervals attempt to repeat the distance covered on the first interval.
Submit your total distance for each of the ten intervals.IF YOU CAN'T ROW,
On a track run a lap, walk the next. Repeat until you've run ten and walked ten.Time only the runs, total and submit.
Thursday 010412
Tomorrow is a rest day.
Warm-up with three sets of sit-ups and back extensions
Bench press 21 Reps max weight (21RM load 21 Reps)
Two minute all out sprint on stationary bike
Rest as needed before you...
Bench same weight as before, got 21?
Two minute all out sprint on stationary bike
RestDone right, you're done
Saturday 010414
Clean and Jerk (Deadlift, hang-clean, push-press if you must)
15,12, and 9 reps of 50-100% of your bodyweight.Snatch 15,12, and 9 reps.
Climb a thousand to two thousand foot climb on your mountain bike or road bike.
Sent report as to your lift and climb. Who can plow through both fastest?
Monday 010409
50 dumbbell Thrusters with 25% of your bodyweight,
Jump on 20ox 50 times within 2 minutes,
Walking lunge of 50 steps with dumbbells at 25% of your bodyweight,
Run 1 mile
Tuesday 010410
Let's give the hips and legs a little break today! We've got three options today depending on your fitness ability. Pick one.
Warm-up, including sit-ups and back extensions.
Do 100 pull-ups and 100 dips on the Gravitron or other assisted pull-up/dip device.
Do 50 pull-ups and 50 dips without assistance.
Do 15 muscle-ups on the rings.
Finish with sit-ups and back extensions.Regardless of which option you choose submit the number of sets and time it took
to complete the assignment. In the case of assisted pull-ups/dips also submit the
amount of assistance.
Friday 010406
Row a record 2K.
When able,
Hang Clean 50% of bodyweight (.5BW), 21 reps
Rest only as needed
Row a 1K at 2K pace from first pass
When able,
Hang Clean .5BW, 21 reps
Rested only as needed
Row 500 meters at 2K pace from first pass
When able,
Hang Clean .5BW, 21 reps
Warm-up, of course, before beginning.Each pass is easier than the one before except for fatigue.
Keep your faith and keep moving. Submit time for entire workout.If you are up to the challenge, Hang Clean at 75% Body Weight