Three rounds for time of:
20 Walking Lunges; with dumbbells 1/4 your body weight, alternating legs.
20 Push-ups, as few sets as possible.
20 Pull-ups, as few sets as possible.
20 Pike-ups (On back, arms overhead, flex at hip only until toes and fingers
meet above hips joint. No trunk flexion).
Set up weights ahead of time and plow through this workout with no resting or stalling.
Bike hard and fast for five minutes
Clean and Jerk 1/2 body weight 15 reps
Deadlift bodyweight for max reps
Clean and Jerk 1/2 body weight 15 reps
Squat body weight for max reps
Clean and Jerk 1/2 body weight 15 reps
For Time:
Jump Rope "Double Unders"; 2 minutes
10 Handstand push-ups
Jump Rope "Double Unders"; 2 minutes
Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ no less than for 1/2 your body weight for:
12-10-8-6-4 reps. Use same load for each set.
Jump Rope "Double Unders"; 2 minutes
50 Dips, as many sets as required. If able use rings.
Jump Rope "Double Unders"; 2 minutes
Four rounds for time of:
2 Rope Climb
20 pound Wall-ball, 25 shots,
two feet above reach, FROM DEEP SQUAT EACH REP!!
15 Muscle Snatch, catch overhead at full hip extention,
not in squat, 15 reps @ 1/2 body weight
20 inch Box Jump, 20 reps
Bench-press 5-3-1 reps, heroic efforts!
Lunge 50 alternating steps with dumbbells @ 1/4, 1/3, OR 1/2 your bodyweight
Push-press 5-3-1 reps, heroic efforts!
Glute-ham raise, three sets, 15-12-9, hold a plate if you are able. Your pick.
Row 1000 meters @ a 2:00/500 meter pace or greater
Sumo deadlift/high pull (1/2, 1/3, or 1/1 body weight) X 21 reps
Row 500 meters @ a 1:45/500 meter pace or greater
Powerclean (from ground) same load as Sumo dead/highs X 21 reps
Row 250 meters @ a 1:30/500 meter pace or greater
Front Squat, same load as Sumo dead/highs on 10" box X 21 reps