Tuesday 011023
Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:
5 Front squats; body weight
1 Muscle up
20 inch Box jump, 15 reps
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Tuesday 011023
Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:
5 Front squats; body weight
1 Muscle up
20 inch Box jump, 15 reps
Wednesday 011024
Five rounds for time of:
15 Good Mornings
20 Sit ups
15 Push JerkNotes:
1. After an extended warm-up start heavy and drop the loads
on the lifts some each round.
Thursday 011025
Try to climb your rope once every minute for twenty minutes.
At any rate, climb the rope twenty times as quickly as possible.Notes:
1. Clinging pathetically to the rope with your legs is a crutch
you want to rid yourself of as soon as possible.
2. Best start is from seated.
3. Best climb is in "L".
Thursday 011018
Set the Concept II Rower for intervals of two minutes of work and two of rest.
During the work row an easy 500+ meters .
During the "rest" powerclean as much of your bodyweight as you can 15 reps.
Before the two minute "rest" is over, get back to the Rower and strap in before timer zeroes.
On zero begin rowing immediately.
Continue this for a total of twenty minutes or five rounds of the couplet.Notes:
1. All Rowing efforts must be better than 500 meters, i.e.,
less than 2:00 minute 500 meter pace.
2. No late starts on the rowing intervals.
3. Your fitness can be scored by the percentage of bodyweight
you use for all five efforts.
4. The powerclean is a hang clean, actually.
5. You are very welcome.
Friday 011019
Three rounds for time of:
5 Muscle ups
Tabata SquatNotes:
1. Try to get all five muscle-ups from the hang.
2. Shoot for "twenties" on the T-squats
3. Take any rest you need between efforts,
yet complete the workout within 45 minutes.
4. If you get all five muscle-ups from a single hang on each
of the three sets and manage a twenty score for the weakest
of all 24 T-squat intervals, drop us a line
Saturday 011020
Seven rounds for time of:
400 meter sprint
400 meter walk
Tuesday 011016
50 Sit ups
15 Thrusters
20 Pull ups
12 Thrusters
15 Pull ups
9 Thrusters
10 Pull ups
50 Sit upsNotes:
1. Increase load with each set of Thrusters.
2. This is a fifteen minute workout.
3. A "Thruster" is a deep front squat/push-press combo (where have you been?).
3. Nice.
Wednesday 011017
Set a bar and load up on a squat rack at your bottom position.
Start from the bottom and return to the bottom with minimal time
at the top. In this manner perform 5 sets of 7 reps.
Now, with the same load perform 5 sets of 7 reps of the
normal "top to top" squat.Notes:
1. We call these first squats "bottom to bottoms."
2. You'll need less than your normal 7RM load for this squat.
3. Of course, as always, perfect form or go home.
Friday 011012
For time:
7 Muscle ups
1000 meter Row
15 Clean and JerksNotes:
1. Notice the variation on this theme through the week.
2. If you can't do the muscle-up yet, do 50 pull-ups and 50 dips.
3. Record time for comparisons M-T-W-Th-F-Sa.
4. O.K., So you can't C&J your bodyweight; use 50 or 75%.
Saturday 011013
For time:
1000 meter Row
15 Clean and Jerks
7 Muscle upsNotes:
1. Notice the variation on this theme through the week.
2. If you can't do the muscle-up yet, do 50 pull-ups and 50 dips.
3. Record time for comparisons M-T-W-Th-F-Sa.
4. O.K., So you can't C&J your bodyweight; use 50 or 75%.