Phase I
Power clean, 5-5-3-3-1-1 reps
Phase II
Perform 5 Rounds of this circuit for time:
Press to handstand 5 times.
Powerclean 10 reps.
Phase III
Practice handstand press for twenty minutes.
1. Structure same as M-Tu-W and Th:
First phase slow and heavy,
second phase fast circuit,
third phase slow and controlled again.
Good Mornings, 5-5-3-3-1-1 reps
Rest as needed.
Complete as many rounds in 7 minutes as you can of:
7 Dips
7 Good Mornings at moderate load.
Rest as needed.
Stay on bars for two minutes and complete as many dips as you can.
Don't come down for two minutes.
Repeat at 90 seconds.
Repeat at 60 seconds.
1. The idea is to not hurry through the opening Good Mornings and
the Finishing Dips, yet "mow" through the Dip/Good Morning circuit.
2. Bad form can cripple
Bench press 5-3-1-1-3-5 reps
Five rounds for time of:
10 Bench press; 50% 1RM load
10 Pull ups
Do a pull-up that takes thirty seconds to get to the top
and thirty seconds to get to the bottom.
Repeat 4 times for a total of 5 sets.
Back squat, 5-5-3-3-1-1 reps
Tabata Squat/Push-up Intervals.
First interval (20 seconds) Squat, rest (10 seconds),
second interval (20 seconds) Push-ups.
In this manner alternate all 8 intervals.
Score the eight intervals by finding the weakest product
(multiply) of squat and push-up reps from all eight intervals.
Time 100 Push-ups
Push Jerk, 3-2-1 reps
Complete as many rounds in 10 minutes as you can of:
1 Rope Climb
10 Push Jerk; 60% 1 RM load
Rope Climb 3 times up without stopping
Rope Climb 2 times up without stopping
Rope Climb "once-up"
1. Watch for the theme this week
2. Rush through the circuit but SLOW DOWN on
Push-Jerk start and Rope Climb finish.
3. For circuit maximize rounds within ten minutes