Wednesday 020417
For time:
500 meter Row
50 Dips
500 meter Row
50 Dips
500 meter RowNotes:
1. Use assistance if absolutely necessary.
2. For most the dips will require multiple sets
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Wednesday 020417
For time:
500 meter Row
50 Dips
500 meter Row
50 Dips
500 meter RowNotes:
1. Use assistance if absolutely necessary.
2. For most the dips will require multiple sets
Thursday 020418
For time:
Bike 1 mile
1/2 Body weight Clean, 15 reps
Bike 1 mile
1/2 Body weight Clean, 15 reps
Bike 1 mile
1/2 Body weight Clean, 15 repsNotes:
1. Modify load per ability if necessary
Saturday 020420
Tabata squats holding 35 pound plate.
Rest 10 minutes.
Tabata squats without plate.
Wedmesdau 020410
For time:
1/2 Body weight Powerclean, 21 reps
400 meter Run
1/2 Body weight Powerclean, 18 reps
400 meter Run
1/2 Body weight Powerclean, 15 reps
400 meter Run
1/2 Body weight Powerclean, 12 reps
400 meter Run
Friday 020412
Tabata squats
10 Muscle ups
Tabata squatsNotes:
1. Rest as needed.
2. Take minimal assistance on muscle-ups where needed.
Saturday 020413
Five rounds of:
30 Sit ups
30 Back extensionsNotes:
1. No pace requirement
Sunday 020414
For time:
Row as though your life depended on it.
5000 meter Row
Monday 020408
For time:
Box jump, 50 reps
25 Pull ups
Box Jump, 40 reps
20 Pull ups
Box Jump, 30 reps
15 Pull ups
Box Jump, 20 reps
10 Pull upsNotes:
1. Let's play with bigger box.
Tuesday 020409
Five rounds of:
Back squat, 10 reps.
Walk on Hands 50 yards.Notes:
1. Easy pace - rest as needed between all efforts.
2. Have spotter hold ankles for Hand-walk.
3. Big load on squat.
Monday 020406
Muscle up 7-6-5-4-3-2-1, reps
1. If you need assistance have spotter minimally lift you through the sticking point.
2. Rest as needed between sets.
3. Perfect two man rotation.