Two rounds for time of:
200 Double-unders
135 pound Overhead squat, 50 reps
50 Pull-ups
Run 1 mile
Kristan Clever 35:37 (95lbs), Austin Malleolo 40:10, Josh Courage 45:40, James Hobart 47:30, Kevin Montoya 48:32, Jason Ackerman 54:24.
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Three rounds of:
10 Weighted pull-ups
30 Back extensions
Kim Malz 3:28 with 20lb vest, Austin Malleolo 3:43 with 40lb vest, Kevin Montoya 3:56 with 40 lb vest, Tamaryn Venter 5:01 with 15kg DB, Connor Martin 5:38 with 24kg KB, Pat Barber 5:43 with 2 pood KB, Mark Rosen 6:37 with 50lb vest, Jake Cutting 7:11 with 24kg KB.
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Mikko Salo 3:54 at 315lbs, Michelle Kinney 4:23 at 205 lbs, Leah Polaski 4:24 at 187lbs, Dave Lipson 5:02 at 455lbs, Tim Burke 5:51 at 315lbs, James Hobart 5:59 at 300lbs, Rob Orlando 6:08 at 315lbs.
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