Wednesday 161207
Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Wednesday 161207
Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps
3 rounds for time of:
165-lb. thrusters, 7 reps
15 muscle-ups
165-lb. power snatches, 10 repsBeat Zhou’s time of 15:05, upload video to YouTube, and post link to comments by Wednesday at 5 p.m. PT. Fastest time will win a trip to China to visit Beijing Sports University. Women use 110 lb. Details here.
Friday 161104
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Monday 161017
3 rounds for time of:
10 strict knees-to-elbows
155-lb. power snatches, 10 reps
10 strict knees-to-elbows
10 burpees
Sunday 161009
Workout 14.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 double-unders
75-lb. power snatches, 15 reps
Tuesday 161004
Overhead squat 5-5-5 reps
Snatch balance 3-3-3 reps
Hang squat snatch 1-1-1 reps
3 rounds for time of:
40-lb. dumbbell snatches, 21 reps, right arm
21 L pull-ups
40-lb. dumbbell snatches, 21 reps, left arm
21 L Pull-ups
Thursday 160901
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
95-lb. power snatches, 10 reps
10 burpees
With a 55-lb. and 35-lb. dumbbell, 10 rounds for time of:
200-meter farmers carry with both dumbbells
35-lb. weighted pull-ups, 10 reps
55-lb. dumbbell power snatches, 20 reps, alternating arms
Wednesday 160810
Make 3 attempts at each of the following:
Max set of single-leg squats on your left leg.
Max set of single-leg squats on your right leg.
Max set of left-arm dumbbell snatches (touch-and-go).
Max set of right-arm dumbbell snatches (touch-and-go).
Max set of strict toes-to-bars.For the squats, a set ends when your opposite foot touches the ground or you rest excessively at the top. For the snatch, use the heaviest dumbbell that you can find and still get at least 3 reps. Warm up for each and rest as needed between efforts.