Kettlebell swings are a traditional kettlebell workout that allows us to create a very strong strength zone.
When performing the exercise the load moves in a path where it starts below the groin and ends just above our head.
Run one minute turn around and run back. "1 in/1 out"
Rest as needed.
2minutes of Kettlebell Swing
Rest 2 minutes
90 Seconds of Kettlebell Swing
Rest 90 seconds.
60 Seconds of Kettlebell Swing,
"1 in/ 1 out"
For 1in/1out, set watch to continuous
countdown mode for one minute. It will beep
every minute in this mode. Start run and
make mental note of location at turn around.
Push hard enough that you cannot make it
back in one minute, i.e., done right you
come in "late."
Work with toughest Kettlebell you can
for all three sets.
Try for same one minute "outspot" on
second run. Again record time "late" on return.
Compare to first run.
If you don't want to run substitute
500 meter row or 5 minutes stairclimb
or 5 minute cycle.
For Time:
50 Push-ups
50 Pull-ups
75 Sit-ups
75 Kettlebell Swings, 1 "pood" kettlebell (16kg)
150 Air Squats
Perform the following in any order. The idea is to perform
each in as few sets as possible. All of the reps from each
exercise do not have to be completed before starting some
from another exercise. Keep track of the reps and tally the
total sets to completion. Note time to completion. Final score
is total number of sets multiplied by time in minutes to completion.
One possible approach is to perform a near max set of
push-ups, go on to the pull-ups, do the same with the
sit-ups, etc. After the squats, go back to the push-ups and
run through the list again finishing as much as you can at each exercise.
Seven sets total in ten minutes for a "70" is an excellent score!