Friday 020426
Run 800 meters
Clean 5-5-5-5-5, reps
Deadlift 10-10-10, reps
Push press, 20 reps
Run 800 meters
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Friday 020426
Run 800 meters
Clean 5-5-5-5-5, reps
Deadlift 10-10-10, reps
Push press, 20 reps
Run 800 meters
Wednesday 020424
Run 800 meters
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5, reps
Push-press 10-10-10, reps
Clean, 20 reps
Run 800 meters
Thursday 020418
For time:
Bike 1 mile
1/2 Body weight Clean, 15 reps
Bike 1 mile
1/2 Body weight Clean, 15 reps
Bike 1 mile
1/2 Body weight Clean, 15 repsNotes:
1. Modify load per ability if necessary
Wedmesdau 020410
For time:
1/2 Body weight Powerclean, 21 reps
400 meter Run
1/2 Body weight Powerclean, 18 reps
400 meter Run
1/2 Body weight Powerclean, 15 reps
400 meter Run
1/2 Body weight Powerclean, 12 reps
400 meter Run
Friday 020329
Three rounds of:
1 mile Bike
20 Cleans; alternating powerclean and squat clean.Notes:
1. Power clean is pulling bar to racked position whereas
squat clean is pulling yourself down to racked position,
i.e., catching high and catching low.
2. Rest as and where needed, but not during cleans.
3. Go all out on sprints.
Thursday 020321
Three rounds of the couplet:
50 Hang Powerclean, 50 reps
500 meter Row
Rest 5 minutes.Notes:
1. Try to complete each round within 150 seconds.
Wednesday 020313
Alternate exercises for 5 sets of each.
Hang Clean/Front Squat (combined move) 10 reps at bodyweight.
Rope Climb, twice up and down with touch and go only on bottom. (Doubles climbing length)Rest after rope as needed, not between clean/squat and rope!
Wednesday 020227
For time:
1 mile Bike
75 pound Thrusters, 20 reps
1 mile Bike
75 pound Thrusters, 20 repsRest fifteen minutes.
For time:
500 meter Row
75 pound Powerclean, 20 reps
500 meter Row
75 pound Powerclean, 20 repsNotes:
1. We call this "back to back fights." Sub 7 minutes for each
is a good time; sub 6 is amazing
Sunday 020303
Five rounds of:
5 Powerclean
5 Bench press
Sunday 020224
Three to five rounds of:
65 pound Powerclean, 20 reps
400 meter Run
65 pound Powerclean, 20 reps
1."Sandbag" the first and try to improve the time
on each of two to four subsequent rounds. Not easy.
2. Ladies, children, and neophytes: 65 pounds is a
fit-man's load for this workout. Reduce the weight
if all twenty reps cannot be performed rapidly,
consistently, and with fluidity.