Saturday 021005
Clean and Jerk 15-12-9 reps
Snatch 15-12-9 repsClimb a thousand to two thousand foot climb
on your mountain bike or road bike.
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Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Saturday 021005
Clean and Jerk 15-12-9 reps
Snatch 15-12-9 repsClimb a thousand to two thousand foot climb
on your mountain bike or road bike.
Sunday 021006
Back extension 15-15-15 reps
Thruster 20-15-10 reps
1000 meter RowNotes:
Back extensions are Snake or wave up
Thrusters max weight each set
Monday 021007
Three rounds for time of:
15 Deadlift: Body weght
500 meter Row
Thursday 021003
2000 meter Row
Rest for 2000 meter time
1000 meter Row
Rest for 1000 meter time
500 meter Rowor
800 meter Run
Rest for 800 meter time
400 meter Run
Rest for 400 meter time
200 meter Run
Friday 021004
"The ambitious will always be first in the crowd; he presseth forward,
he looketh not behind him. More anguish is it to his mind to see one
before him, than joy to leave thousands at a distance."
(1375 BC, Egyptian King, Monotheist)Paleo Diet recipes:
[ Cool! ]( Cool! )
Tuesday 021001
Squat with weight 20-10-5-3-1- reps
Three rounds each for time of:
Three minute stand on bike at 70 rpm
2 Rope climb
20 Sit-ups
15 Back extensions
Wednesday 021002
Kettlebelll Swing, 1 minute
Glute-ham develop sit-up, 1 minute
Perfrom 3-5 rounds for time of:
10 Thruster
12 L-Pull-ups
Glute-ham develop sit-up, 1 minute
Kettlebelll Swing, 1 minute
Friday 020927
Four rounds for time of:
500 meter Row
10 Power Clean: body weight
15 Knees to Elbows
Saturday 020928
Complete as many Pull-ups as you can in 60 minutes
Sunday 020929
Row 5 minutes, record meters
Row 5 intervals of 1 minute on/1 minute off, record total meters
Row 10 intervals of 30 seconds on/30 seconds off, record total meters
Row 20 intervals 15 seconds on/15 seconds off, record total metersNotes:
Rest 5 minutes between intervals Use the "m" button to recall meters for each interval Go all out. Compare results of each effor