Tuesday 020709
500 meter Row
Tabata squats
500 meter Row
Tabata squat
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Tuesday 020709
500 meter Row
Tabata squats
500 meter Row
Tabata squat
Thursday 011018
Set the Concept II Rower for intervals of two minutes of work and two of rest.
During the work row an easy 500+ meters .
During the "rest" powerclean as much of your bodyweight as you can 15 reps.
Before the two minute "rest" is over, get back to the Rower and strap in before timer zeroes.
On zero begin rowing immediately.
Continue this for a total of twenty minutes or five rounds of the couplet.Notes:
1. All Rowing efforts must be better than 500 meters, i.e.,
less than 2:00 minute 500 meter pace.
2. No late starts on the rowing intervals.
3. Your fitness can be scored by the percentage of bodyweight
you use for all five efforts.
4. The powerclean is a hang clean, actually.
5. You are very welcome.
Monday 011001
20 Sit ups
20 Back Extensions
1000 meter Row
Tabata Squats
Tabata Push press
1000 meter Row
20 Sit-ups
20 Back ExtensionsNotes:
1. Don't rush through, but give big effort to each exercise.
2. Tabata Interval protocol is 20 seconds of work followed
by a ten second rest, repeated 8 times.
Satuday 010922
Tabata Squat
Tabata Sit up on Glute-ham developer.
Tabata Pull up (use G'tron or Cybex assisted p'up device with 50% BW assistance)
Tabata Push press (use 1/3 BW)
Tabata RowNotes:
1. The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times.
2. Take any break you need between exercises.
3. Total the weakest intervals from each of the 5 exercises for score.
4. On the rower, measure the intervals by calories, not meters.
Wednesday 010711
Row 1000 meters
Rest 4 minutes
Tabata Dumbell ThrustersWho can row a 3:30 1,000 meters and Tabata Thruster
50% of their bodyweight no fewer than 10 reps in each interval?
Monday 010312
Here we go again!!
We're returning to the "CrossFit Challenge":
Apply the "Tabata Interval"
(20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest repeated 8 times) to:Rowing
Sit-upsFor the Rowing record the number of meters you complete in each interval.
For the other exercises record the number of reps you complete in each interval.You get a minute break between each exercise.
The lowest numbers from each exercise are added for a total score.
This is an extremely challenging workout. It takes exactly 24 minutes to completion.
Your final score is an excellent measure of your total fitness
Sunday 010304
This is an amazingly complete workout in only twenty-four minutes.
Set-up the rower for intervals of twenty seconds work and ten seconds rest.
Set the rower to display meters in the lower window. Go all out on the first effort.
On subsequent efforts work to capture as many meters as in the first effort.In the same interval pattern, 20on/10off X 8,
Squat (air squat).
Same interval pull-ups.
Same interval push-ups.
Same interval sit-ups.If you transition from one exercise to the next in ten seconds, this is a
twenty-minute workout. For all but the best athletes this will be all but impossible.Transition from one exercise to the next as quickly as you can. One-minute maximum
transition break! No ranking will be considered for total time that exceeds twenty-four minutes.Ranking is based on least number of meters in each of eight rowing intervals, and least
reps in each of eight intervals for each of the other four exercises.Submission includes five numbers: least number of meters in rowing, least number of squats,
least number of pull-ups, least number of push-ups, and least number of sit-ups.
Friday 010302
We are ready for a break from the neurological and orthopedic stresses of
weightlifting and hard and heavy leg work.Here is an interval that the NSCA identifies as being smack dab in the middle
of the lactic acid metabolic pathway. Remember one of the advantages of
interval training is that we get extended exposure to cardiovascular work
without the muscle wasting consistent with extended aerobic work.On the Concept II Rower set up for intervals and go all out for 60 seconds
Row easy for two minutes.
Repeat for a total of fifteen efforts.This is a total of forty-five minutes, yet the work is designed to enhance anaerobic
capacity. Now here’s the really cool part: even though this work is predominantly
anaerobic (lactic acid pathway), it carries a heavy aerobic benefit without the
disadvantages of reducing speed, power, and strength known to accompany
aerobic training.On setup scroll the display to show meters in the lower window. On your first
effort throw as many meters up in the minute as you can. On the subsequent
fifteen efforts fight for as much of the first distance as you can.On completion use recall to scroll through all fifteen intervals and record and
submit the meters rowed for each interval.If you need help setting up the rower email us at [email protected].
If you don’t have access to a Concept II Rower, buy one.
For Time (with a Partner)
6,000 meter Row (male/male)
5,000 meter Row (female/female)
5,500 meter Row (male/female)
4 Rounds for Time
Every 7 minutes, perform:
25/20 calorie Row
50 foot Front Rack Dumbbell Lunges (2x50/35)
25 Toes-to-Bars