Sunday 190721
Clean and jerk 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Then, practice SLIPS for 10 minutes.
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Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Sunday 190721
Clean and jerk 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Then, practice SLIPS for 10 minutes.
Saturday 190713
3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
15 power cleans
40 strict push-ups♀ 105 lb. ♂ 155 lb.
Practice SLIPS for 15 minutes.
Sunday 190714
3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
15 thrusters
21 inverted burpees♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb.
Practice SLIPS for 15 minutes.
Monday 190708
Run 5,000 meters
Then, 3 rounds of:
30-second left-side plank
30-second reverse plank
30-second right-side plank
30-second front plank
Friday 190712
3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
15 deadlifts
21 pull-ups♀ 165 lb. ♂ 250 lb.
Practice SLIPS for 15 minutes.
Sunday 190630
Without rest, 2 rounds of:
1-minute support on rings
15-ft. rope climb, legless ascent and descent
1-minute plank hold
15-ft. rope climb, legless ascent and descent
1-minute handstand hold
15-ft. rope climb, legless ascent and descent
Sunday 190623
3 rounds for time of:
21 power cleans
Run 400 m
Plank hold for time equal to run time♀ 105 lb. ♂ 155 lb.
Stretch for 20 minutes.
Tuesday 190618
For time:
2-minute handstand hold
Row 500 m
2-minute plank hold
Row 500 m
2-minute support on rings
Row 500 m
Tuesday 190611
3 rounds for time of:
Row 1,000 meters
30 jumping pull-ups
30 jumping ring dipsThen, practice SLIPS for 20 minutes.
Tuesday 190604
Run 5,000 meters
Practice SLIPS for same duration as 5K run.