Saturday 010825
1 set of Clean and Jerk @ 5 RM
3 sets of Clean and Jerk @ 3 RM
5 sets of Clean and Jerk @ 1 RM
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
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Saturday 010825
1 set of Clean and Jerk @ 5 RM
3 sets of Clean and Jerk @ 3 RM
5 sets of Clean and Jerk @ 1 RM
Tuesday 010814
For time:
5 Knees to Elbows
15 Clean and Jerks
10 Knees to Elbows
10 Clean and Jerk s
15 Knees to Elbows
5 Clean and Jerks
20 Knees to ElbowsNotes:
1. Move SLOWLY on knee raises. No throwing, swinging, lurching, or lunging.
The benefit here is tied to the deliberateness of your efforts.
2. It may take more than one set to complete the required number of reps for
each knee raise set if done correctly. That's O.K.
3. Max load for C&J at each set.
Saturday 010804
Clean and Jerk, 21-15-12-9-6-3-1 reps.
1. Add weight to each set. Rest two minutes between sets.
2. Total loads for all 7 sets.
3. No rest on ground during sets. Touch and go at ground.
Tuesday 010724
Clean & Jerk (50,75, or 100% BW) 15 reps
Row 500 meters
Rest two minutes
Clean & Jerk, same load, 15 reps
Row 500 meters
Rest two minutes
Clean & Jerk, same load 15 reps
Row 500 meters
Wednesday 010627
Clean and Jerk one minute on, one minute off for twenty minutes.
Start with a load that you can C& J 10 reps in one minute without undue strain.Note:
1. Our best male athletes will be able to complete this with 95 pounds,
our females 65 pounds.
2. Tough, beware!
Tuesday 010619
Row 500 meters
Clean and Jerk 15 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Row 500 meters
Clean and Jerk 15 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Row 500 meters
Clean and Jerk 15 repsOur best athletes will C & J their bodyweight for each set
and row sub 1:30 - 500's.
Thursday 010607
Set up weights ahead of time and plow through this workout with no resting or stalling.
Bike hard and fast for five minutes
Clean and Jerk 1/2 body weight 15 reps
Deadlift bodyweight for max reps
Clean and Jerk 1/2 body weight 15 reps
Squat body weight for max reps
Clean and Jerk 1/2 body weight 15 repsNice!
Monday 010521
Wall-Ball for 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds, and 120 seconds.
All throws two feet above reach!
Beat 20 throws in 30s, 30 in 60s, 40 in 90s, and 50 in 120s And....
Rest only as long as last effort....
30seconds on, 30 seconds off, 60 seconds on, 60 seconds off,
90 seconds on, 90 seconds off, 120 seconds on, done.
Total exercise 8 minutes. 20 lb medicine ball, and full squat for each throw.Submit total throws for all efforts and bodyweight.
Roll through this circuit as many times as you can in 20 minutes.
Each station is one point. Submit number.
Rope climb, 2 trips
Lunge ten steps each leg, alternating
Clean & Jerk, 50% bodyweight X 10 repsIf you can't rope climb, do 15 pull-up, or twenty five assisted at minimal assistance.
Monday 010430
For time:
Jump rope "Double under"; 90 seconds
8 Clean and Jerks; 1/2 body weight
6 Clean and Jerks; 3/4 body weight
4 Clean and Jerks; body weight
(no resting weight on ground)
Jump rope "Double under"; 90 seconds
Thursday 010419
Warm-up with five minutes of cardio, a single set each of sit-up,
back extension, air squat, pull-up, push-up, and finally stretch.
(This is the default CrossFit warm-up. Remember it, please.)Complete your warm-up with each of the following using comfortable loads.
Deadlift, 1 set, 10 reps
Power Clean, 1 set, 10 reps
Front Squat, 1 set, 10 reps
Push Press, 1 set, 10 reps
Go heavy:
Clean and Jerk, 5 sets, 5,3,2,1,1 reps
Snatch, 5 sets, 5,3,2,1,1 reps