If performed right, this is a technically professional movement to the extent of being a wonderful blend of art and science. It is worth spending time perfecting the different components of this movement before focusing on the complete movement of the Clean.
For time:
20 Clean and Jerk
1000 meter Row
20 Clean and Jerk
1. Use the same load as you did on Monday and Wednesday, not to exceed bodyweight.
2. If you complete this in less than ten minutes you don't have enough weight on the bar.
1. Load for Clean and Jerk is not to exceed 100% of bodyweight.
2. Time entire effort.
3. Use push-jerk, not split-jerk.
4. Warm-up with Sit-up, Back/Hip extension, Squat, Pull-up, Push-up circuit. Go easy.
5. Heads-up! Wednesday and Friday will play on today's theme.
Two rounds of:
Run 800 meters.
25 Hip Extensions (Back extensions) on Glute-Ham Developer.
30 Hip Flexions (Sit-ups) on Glute-Ham Developer.
1-Arm Barbell Press 20 reps left and right arm.
Powerclean 1/2 bodyweight 20 reps.
1. 1-Arm Press derives it's impetus from a lateral "shove" of the hip and torso.
Do not lean back. Suggest empty bar for first timers.
2. Rest five minutes between rounds.
3. Ten minutes is a good time for each round.
1. 30 seconds rest between sets.
2. The loads are light, moderate, and heavy.
3. Plan loads ahead of time so that you can transition quickly if you've but one bar to work with.
4. Use push jerk instead of split jerk. It's faster.
5. Breath.... deeply.
For time:
5 Knees to Elbows
15 Clean and Jerks
10 Knees to Elbows
10 Clean and Jerk s
15 Knees to Elbows
5 Clean and Jerks
20 Knees to Elbows
1. Move SLOWLY on knee raises. No throwing, swinging, lurching, or lunging.
The benefit here is tied to the deliberateness of your efforts.
2. It may take more than one set to complete the required number of reps for
each knee raise set if done correctly. That's O.K.
3. Max load for C&J at each set.
1. Add weight to each set. Rest two minutes between sets.
2. Total loads for all 7 sets.
3. No rest on ground during sets. Touch and go at ground.