If performed right, this is a technically professional movement to the extent of being a wonderful blend of art and science. It is worth spending time perfecting the different components of this movement before focusing on the complete movement of the Clean.
For time:
Powerclean 21 RM weight (weight you can lift 21 reps but not 22)
50 sit-ups
Powerclean 18 reps same weight as above
50 sit-ups
Powerclean 15 reps same weight
50 sit-ups
Powerclean 12 reps same weight
There is no rest here other than the sit-ups.
Relative to the powerclean the sit-up is a rest.
Move deliberately, and with control from one exercise to the next.
Perform the sit-ups slowly and calmly to recover from the powerclean.
On completion of the sit-ups move directly to the next set of powercleans.
Run one minute turn around and run back. "1 in/1 out"
Rest two minutes
Powerclean 3-5-7 reps
Rest two minutes
"1 in/1 out"
Rest two minutes
Powerclean 3-5-7 reps
1. For 1in/1out, set watch to continuous countdown mode for one minute.
It will beep every minute in this mode. Start run and make mental note of
location at turn around. Push hard enough that you cannot make it back
in one minute, i.e., done right you come in "late."
2. Pick tough three rep load. Hold for all six sets.
3. Try for same one minute "outspot" on second run. Again record time
"late" on return. Compare to first run.
4. If you don't want to run substitute 500 meter row or 5 minutes stairclimb
or 5 minute cycle.