A simple power-lifting exercise, the Bench Press, is excellent for improving chest muscle. However, CrossFit appears to prefer overhead rather than bench pressing, most likely due to the transition of overhead work to Olympic Lifting, but perhaps also due to the risk for having weak balance and rigid shoulders to perform too much bench work. Given the high degree of versatility needed in CrossFit skills such as Olympic Lifting and gymnastics, this may be counter-productive. But just make sure you combine some Bench work with a lot of back chain work.
1. Max load on bench press at each pass.
2. Climb the rope without using your legs on the rope. If you can, it's time to do it right.
3. Take as much time between rounds as required to max bench load.
1) Start with a bench press that you can press 5 times but not 6.
2) On the first row (try for 1:45), note the meters accomplished
and match that distance on the second and third efforts.
3) Keep the same load for the bench press throughout the workout.
Three rounds for time of:
Jump-rope for two minutes
Bench-press, body weight
Rest 1 minute
Our best will:
Double under without fouling for two minutes on the jump-rope.
Twenty five pull-ups, then twenty, then fifteen.
Twenty five, then twenty, then fifteen on the bench press.
Bench-press 5-3-1 reps, heroic efforts!
Lunge 50 alternating steps with dumbbells @ 1/4, 1/3, OR 1/2 your bodyweight
Push-press 5-3-1 reps, heroic efforts!
Glute-ham raise, three sets, 15-12-9, hold a plate if you are able. Your pick.
Jump 50 times on 20" box for time
Hang from bar and raise toes to bar SLOWLY 20 reps
Dumbbell thruster 15 reps off 10" box
Bench Press 15 reps
Bench Press 15 reps
Dumbbell thruster 15 reps off 10" box
Hang from bar and raise toes to bar SLOWLY 20 reps
Jump 50 times on 20" box for time
Bench press 10-8-6-4-2 reps.
Total weight for all five sets and submit with body weight.
Rest as needed before,
How many passes of this circuit can you make in 20 minutes?
Count each element (Box jump, Muscle-up, Leg raise) as a single point,
so that, for instance, four complete circuits and once more 20 box jumps
and one more muscle-up would be 14 points. If you still can't do the
muscle-up substitute twenty assisted pull-up and dips.
Box Jump 20" X 20 jumps
Hanging leg raise, toes to bar X10
Repeat this circuit three times with no rest. Push hard; make each set a worthy effort.
Use your judgement on the reps. Great athletes will make each set a challenge and
execute the movements with great control and technique.
Max heart rates are readily available here. For you fighters, this is a fight.
Bike a fast mile
Back extension
Max set of pull-ups
Bench press @ body weight
Upright row @ 1/3 body weight