Set a bar and load up on a squat rack at your bottom position.
Start from the bottom and return to the bottom with minimal time
at the top. In this manner perform 5 sets of 7 reps.
Now, with the same load perform 5 sets of 7 reps of the
normal "top to top" squat.
1. We call these first squats "bottom to bottoms."
2. You'll need less than your normal 7RM load for this squat.
3. Of course, as always, perfect form or go home.
20 Sit ups
20 Back Extensions
1000 meter Row
Tabata Squats
Tabata Push press
1000 meter Row
20 Sit-ups
20 Back Extensions
1. Don't rush through, but give big effort to each exercise.
2. Tabata Interval protocol is 20 seconds of work followed
by a ten second rest, repeated 8 times.
Tabata Squat
Tabata Sit up on Glute-ham developer.
Tabata Pull up (use G'tron or Cybex assisted p'up device with 50% BW assistance)
Tabata Push press (use 1/3 BW)
Tabata Row
1. The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times.
2. Take any break you need between exercises.
3. Total the weakest intervals from each of the 5 exercises for score.
4. On the rower, measure the intervals by calories, not meters.
Overhead squat, 20-20-20 reps
Front squat, 10-10-10 reps
Back squat, 5-5-5 reps
1. Increase load dramatically proceeding from Overhead to Front to Back Squats.
2. Use perfect form, or it's not a squat.
3. Use same load for all three sets of each exercise.
4. Rest as needed.
1. Load for Clean and Jerk is not to exceed 100% of bodyweight.
2. Time entire effort.
3. Use push-jerk, not split-jerk.
4. Warm-up with Sit-up, Back/Hip extension, Squat, Pull-up, Push-up circuit. Go easy.
5. Heads-up! Wednesday and Friday will play on today's theme.
For time:
1000 meter Row
20 pound Wallball, 50 shots
50 Sit-ups
20 pound Wallball, 50 shots
50 Sit-ups
20 pound Wallball, 50 shots
50 Sit-ups
1000 meter Row
1. Wall-ball shot counts only if it starts from deep squat and hits wall 18 inches above reach.
2. Do sit-ups on Roman-Chair or Back Extension Apparatus.
3. Let us know if you can finish this in twenty minutes or less.
Three rounds of:
20 Walking Lunges; with dumbbells totaling 1/3 your bodyweight
20 Thrusters
20 Pull-ups
Rest three minutes.
1. Measure your pace so that “Thrusters” begin directly under your pull-up bar.
2. Each step of the lunge should drop the trailing knee so that it "kisses" the ground.
3. "Thrusters" begin in a deep squat and end in full hip, leg, and arm extension.
4. No crappy pull-ups. Adam's apple to bar at top, arms completely extended at bottom.
5. The twenty pull-ups are consecutive pull-ups. You don't come down from the bar
until they're done. Have someone assist you minimally if assistance is required.