Friday 030626
50 Pull-ups
200 Squats
75 Push-ups
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Friday 030626
50 Pull-ups
200 Squats
75 Push-ups
Friday 030620
Tabata Squats
Tabata Push-ups
Tabata Squats
Monday 030623
Complete 5 rounds of:
Run 400 meters
Overhead squat 95X21Squat to 10” box. Post time to complete all five rounds to comments.
Friday 030606
Front Squat 5-5-5 Reps
Rest -
For ten minutes:
12 Pull-ups
12 One-legged squats, alternating legs
Saturday 030607
Clean 5-5-5 Reps
Rest -
For ten minutes:
12 Push-ups
Clean 95X12
Monday 030602
You have one hour to:
Row 1K
Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Row 1K
Monday 030519
Shoulder press 65 pounds 90 seconds for reps.
Tabata Squats – “bottom to bottom”
Shoulder press 65 pounds 90 seconds for reps.“Bottom to bottom” squats start at the bottom and end at the bottom with but an instantaneous stop at the top. Rest is at the bottom!
Shoulder press as many of the reps as possible and then push-press the remaining. Return the score as S/P, “S” being the number of reps shoulder pressed and “P” being the number of reps push-pressed.
Tuesday 030429
50 Glute Ham Sit-ups
Tabata “Bottom to Bottom” Squats
50 Abmat Sit-upsThe Tabata Bottom to Bottom Squat is a Tabata Squat but each rep begins at the bottom and ends at the bottom. The turn around at the top is immediate - no pause. The ten-second rest for each interval is also held at the bottom of the squat as opposed to the top. Interestingly, this squat, in contrast to the “normal” Tabata squat, motivates full hip extension. Also, the ten second rests don’t seem as short with this protocol!
Friday 030425
Tabata Squats, Push-ups,and Pull-ups resting one minute between efforts.
1/2 Tabata Squats, Push-ups, and Pull-ups resting one minute between efforts.
Wednesday 030212
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
500 meter Row (moderate pace- not all out)
15 Push-ups
25 pound plate Squats, 25 reps