3 Rounds For Total Reps in 17 minutes
1 minute Burpees
1 minute Power Snatches (75/55 lb)
1 minute Box Jumps (24/20 in)
1 minute Thrusters (75/55 lb)
1 minute Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
1 minute Rest
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3 Rounds For Total Reps in 17 minutes
1 minute Burpees
1 minute Power Snatches (75/55 lb)
1 minute Box Jumps (24/20 in)
1 minute Thrusters (75/55 lb)
1 minute Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
1 minute Rest
Thursday 240418
Quarterfinals Workout 1
4 rounds for max reps:
1 minute of snatches
1 minute of rowing for calories
1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups
1 minute of rest
♀ 85-lb barbell and 35-lb dumbbells to a 20-inch box
♂ 135 lb barbell and 50-lb dumbbells to a 20-inch box
Post total reps to comments.
Welcome to the first workout of the 2024 CrossFit Games Quarterfinals! Today's workout is a gut check. How bad do you want to push for another rep? None of the movements should be overly difficult or too heavy, so there is no reason to stop moving. The barbell should feel on the lighter side of moderate. You should be able to perform touch-and-go reps, however, under fatigue, you may choose to perform fast singles to keep moving.
Choose a pace on the rower that is fast relative to your capacity but still allows you to get right to work on the dumbbell box step-ups. Your goal on the dumbbell box step-ups is to hold onto the dumbbells until the minute is up. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
Remember, there is no rest between movements, so accumulate as many reps as possible of each movement but leave time to transition to the next. Plan to stop with 5-10 seconds left in the minute to transition for all of the movements except the dumbbell box step-ups. During the minute of rest, try to control your breathing by taking deep breaths in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. If you are not signed up for the Quarterfinals, choose loads that challenge your ability but allow you to keep moving and hit the workout stimulus.
Intermediate option:
4 rounds for max reps:
1 minute of snatches
1 minute of rowing for calories
1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups
1 minute of rest
♀ 75-lb barbell and 20-lb dumbbells to a 20-inch box
♂ 115-lb barbell and 35-lb dumbbells to a 20-inch box
Beginner option:
4 rounds for max reps:
1 minute of snatches
1 minute of rowing for calories
1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups
1 minute of rest
♀ 35-lb barbell and 10-lb dumbbells to a 12-inch box
♂ 45-lb barbell and 15-lb dumbbells to a 20-inch box
The Snatch
Rowing Technique
The Box Step-up
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Featured photo:
Taken by Charlotte Foerschler at CrossFit Canvas in Caldwell, Idaho.
Wednesday 230920
2023 Games test: “Intervals"”
For time:
21 box jump-overs( (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box, step-down)
15-calorie row
9 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 36-inch ♂ 48-inch box)
21 box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box, step-down)
15-calorie row
9 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 36-inch ♂ 48-inch box)
Rest until 6-minute mark, then:
9 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 36-inch ♂ 48-inch box)
15-calorie row
21 box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box, step-down)
9 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 36-inch ♂ 48-inch box)
15-calorie row
21 box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box, step-down)
If you anticipate that you cannot finish the first segment with 90 seconds or more to rest, modify the workout to 2 rounds for total time with a 2-minute rest between rounds. Use the step-down approach for both the box jump-overs and the burpee box jump-overs.
Beginner option:
For time:
12 box jump-overs (♀ 12-inch ♂ 20-inch box, step-down)
9-calorie row
6 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box)
12 box jump-overs (♀ 12-inch ♂ 20-inch box, step-down)
9-calorie row
6 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box)
Rest 2 minutes
6 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box)
9-calorie row
12 box jump-overs (♀ 12-inch ♂ 20-inch box, step-down)
6 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box)
9-calorie row
12 box jump-overs (♀ 12-inch ♂ 20-inch box, step-down)
Thursday 211021
For time:
1,000-m row
25 box jumps, 30-in. box
1,000-m row
50 box jumps, 24-in. box
1,000-m row
75 box jumps, 20-in. box
Post time to comments.
Deconditioned athletes should reduce the overall volume of this workout to finish the work in 20 minutes or less.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
1,000-m row
20 box jumps, 30-in. box
1,000-m row
40 box jumps, 24-in. box
1,000-m row
60 box jumps, 20-in. box
Beginner Option:
For time:
500-m row
10 box jumps, 16-in. box
500-m row
20 box jumps, 12-in. box
500-m row
30 box jumps, 6-in. box
Friday 230303
Open Test 23.3
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 wall walks
50 double-unders
15 snatches (65/95 lb)
5 wall walks
50 double-unders
12 snatches (95/135 lb)
If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 strict handstand push-ups
50 double-unders
9 snatches (125/185 lb)
If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 strict handstand push-ups
50 double-unders
6 snatches (155/225 lb)
Post reps completed to comments and submit your results as part of the 2023 CrossFit Games Open.
View full 23.3 Class Plan
Visit the CrossFit Games website for all versions of the workout.
Intermediate option:
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 scaled wall walks
50 single-unders
15 snatches (45/65 lb)
5 scaled wall walks
50 single-unders
12 snatches (65/95 lb)
If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 hand-release push-ups
50 single-unders
9 snatches (75/115 lb)
If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 hand-release push-ups
50 single-unders
6 snatches (85/135 lb)
Beginner option:
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 bear crawls
50 jumping jacks
15 snatches (35/45 lb)
5 bear crawls
50 jumping jacks
12 snatches (35/45 lb)
If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
5 bear crawls
60 jumping jacks
9 snatches (75/115 lb)
If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
5 bear crawls
60 jumping jacks
6 snatches (85/135 lb)