If you anticipate that you cannot finish the first segment with 90 seconds or more to rest, modify the workout to 2 rounds for total time with a 2-minute rest between rounds. Use the step-down approach for both the box jump-overs and the burpee box jump-overs.
Today’s workout is in the short-to-moderate time domain. If you can maintain bigger stretches on the L-sit holds and minimize breaks, you should be close to finishing at the 10-minute mark. To stay within that window, find a variation of the L-sit hold that allows you to consistently hold for 10 to 15+ seconds before breaking. If you can hold your option with ease for 45 seconds to 1 minute, try a more challenging option. The box should be a little taller than you want it to be on the jump-overs, and expect your fatigued hip flexors to make jumping a bit more difficult. Consider stepping down from the top of the box. This is not only a safety concern, it is one way to keep yourself moving at a steady pace.
40 GHD sit-ups
4 legless rope climbs, 15 feet
800-meter run
30 GHD sit-ups
3 legless rope climbs
400-meter run
20 GHD sit-ups
2 legless rope climbs
200-meter run
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Today’s workout has a moderate time domain and comprises a single round with decreasing reps and distances. With your midline being a major factor in this workout, expect the GHD sit-ups to interfere with your rope climbs and runs. Advanced athletes should push the pace on the runs and try to go unbroken on the GHD sit-ups. Less-experienced athletes should pace the runs to set themselves up for success with the sit-ups and rope climbs.
60-second L-sit
30 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second hang from the pull-up bar
20 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second hang from the pull-up bar
10 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second L-sit
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
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Today’s workout falls within a moderate time domain. All of the holds and hangs are cumulative. Break as needed and chip away. To keep the workout moving, scale the L-sit hold to a variation that allows you to maintain at least a 10-second hold. Scale the hang to a variation that allows you to maintain around 30 seconds at a time. The load on the barbell should be light-moderate. You should be able to perform at least 10 reps unbroken with the weight you choose. Work hard and have fun!
Intermediate option:
For time:
60-second L-sit (bent legs)
30 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second hang from the pull-up bar
20 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second hang from the pull-up bar
10 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second L-sit (bent legs)
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
30-second L-sit drill: seated leg raises
30 shoulder-to-overheads
30-second hang from the pull-up bar
20 shoulder-to-overheads
30-second hang from the pull-up bar
10 shoulder-to-overheads
30-second L-sit drill: seated leg raises
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
The L-Sit
The Shoulder Press
The Push Press
The Push Jerk
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Featured photo:
Taken by Tai Randall during Open Workout 24.3 at CrossFit Tradition in Port Saint Lucie, Florida.