Shoulders and Glutes
Barbell Strict Press
5 sets: 10-12 Reps (Weight increasing across sets)
-Rest 90 sec b/t sets-
*Focus: Take barbell from the rig. Keep abs and glutes engaged to prevent over extension of the low back. Use a slightly staggered stance if needed.
Standing Double DB Strict Press + Push Press
4 sets: 10 Double DB Strict Press + 5-10 Double DB Push Press
*Focus: DB’s start at the shoulders and are pressed overhead. Focus on a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Weight should allow for 10 reps on strict press but not much more. Without putting the dumbbells down, complete an additional 5-10 DB push press.
Standing Single Arm Banded Front Raise
4 sets: 12-15 reps(each side); light to moderate weight band
*Focus: Attach a light weight band to the rig around knee level. Face away from the band and brace core to stay balanced throughout movement. Grasp band and lift to shoulder height with a straight arm and return down. Show control throughout movement. Use DB if a band is not available.
Single Arm Bent Over Lateral Raise
4 sets: 12-15 reps(each side); light to moderate weight band
*Focus: Same band setup as previous movement. Bend at a 45-90 degree angle with the torso and stand parallel to the rig. The working arm (farthest from the rig) will raise the arm to the side to shoulder height. Show control throughout and keep core engaged.
GHD Hip Raise
5 sets: 20 reps; unloaded or holding a plate or DB
*Focus: Set up GHD so hips are slightly past the hip pad. Go down to 90 degrees and raise to parallel. Avoid using excessive momentum to complete reps and squeeze glutes at the top of each rep
Walking Double DB Lunge
4 sets: 25 yds (moderate weight in each hand)
DB’s can be held by the sides or on the shoulders
*Focus: Use straps or grips if needed so grip is not an issue. Use a weight that will allow for control with each step and focus on glute engagement with each step.
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Mayhem Aerobic Capacity:
Assault or Echo Bike "50 Cal for Time" Workouts
3 Sets:
2min at moderate pace
1min at easy pace
30sec at fast pace
-Rest: 3min b/t sets-
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Arms and Core:
Floor Plate Press + Bent Over Plate Row
100 reps on each. Weight should be challenging but doable in at least sets of 10. Work off reps on both movements until finished
*Focus: Quality form on pressing and pulling. Avoid use momentum to assist in moving the weight on either movement.
Tricep Dips + Chin-ups
5 sets on each: 10-15 reps on each
*Focus: Add assistance to each movement so that 10 reps minimum can be achieved each set.
Overhead Plate Tricep Extension + Plate Double Bicep Curl
4 sets: 10-15 on each
*Focus: Be sure to have a good grip on the plate when going overhead. Weight should allow for control throughout movement. Do not use momentum.
Core Work:
4 Rounds
25 Strict Abmat Situps
10 Strict Toes to Bar or strict knee raise
30 sec plank
30 sec side plank (right)
30 sec side plank (left)
50 yd single DB overhead carry (right)
50 yd single DB overhead carry (left)
*Focus: Control core during carry. Don’t allow yourself to lean towards or away from the dumbbell.
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Strict Pullups
5 sets: 6-10 reps
*Focus: Control should be shown across sets. Athlete should keep core engaged and avoid kipping. Band across rig is encouraged if strict reps are not possible and should be set at a height that allows for desired number of rep but no more.
Rest 90 sec b/t sets
Bent-over Barbell Row
5 sets: 8-10 reps (Increasing weight across sets) - Athletes can use a double overhand or double underhand row. Barbell should not touch the ground between reps and there should be minimal kipping of the bar.
*Focus: Strong contraction of the back/pulling back with the elbow not the hands. Barbell should come to the hips/lower abdomen
Single Arm Dumbbell Row
4 sets: 10-12 reps (Increasing weight across sets) - Athlete can brace against a bench, waist height object, or their own body
*Focus: Same as Barbell row above
Standing Barbell Curl
4 sets: 10 reps (Weight should allow for quality reps and minimal kipping of bar)
*Focus: Shoulder width grip focusing on bicep contraction at top of rep.
Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl + Double Head Dumbbell Curl
3 set: 10 alternating curls (each side) + immediately into 10 double head DB curl. (Weight should feel moderate for alternating curls and then stay the same or slightly increase for double head curl)
*Focus: Do not be tempted to go heavy on the first weight for alt. Dumbbell curls. For double head Dumbbell curl, lean forward slightly and stay within ROM that keep tension on biceps
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