Saturday 010630
Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
Powerclean 15 reps
Bench Press 15 reps
Rest 2 minutesNotes:
1. Use as big a load for the bench and powerclean as you can handle.
2. Don't rest in mid round
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Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Saturday 010630
Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
Powerclean 15 reps
Bench Press 15 reps
Rest 2 minutesNotes:
1. Use as big a load for the bench and powerclean as you can handle.
2. Don't rest in mid round
Saturday 010623
Three rounds for time of:
5 Muscle-ups
400 meter RunNotes:
1. If you can't do a muscle-up substitute ten slow pull-ups
and ten slow dips for each muscle up.
Monday 010625
Three rounds of:
Two minute sprint on stationery bike.
Two minutes of sit-ups.
Two minutes of dips.
Two minutes of rest
Tuesday 010626
1 Jump on plyo box/ 1 clean pull-up
2 Jumps on plyo box/ 2 clean pull-ups
3 Jumps on plyo box/3 clean pull-ups...
n Jumps on plyo box/ n clean pull-upsYou've got 20 minutes to carry this sequence as far as you can.
The pull-ups need not be within a single set to count. Just alternate
between jumping and pull-ups. Complete the needed number of
pull-ups before the next round of jumps. Pick a challenging height
for the box jump. No jumping on pull-ups.
Wednesday 010620
Three rounds for time of:
Jump-rope for two minutes
Bench-press, body weight
Rest 1 minuteOur best will:
Double under without fouling for two minutes on the jump-rope.
Twenty five pull-ups, then twenty, then fifteen.
Twenty five, then twenty, then fifteen on the bench press.
Thursday 010621
Three rounds for time of:
25 Sit-ups
25 Thrusters (off 10" box), (~25 RM load)
3 Rope ClimbNotes:
1. Try this sit-up: touch fingers from opposite hands together
behind thighs without touching your legs with your arms, hands,
or fingers then lower back to flat on ground with hands overhead.
2. Thruster, as a reminder, is a front squat/push-press. With what
percentage of your body weight can you complete the 25 reps?
3. Climb rope in "L" if you're able.
4. Minimize time to completion.
Friday 010622
Three rounds for time of:
Muscle Snatch, 15 reps
Box Jump, 15 reps
Back Extension/Glute-ham raise, 15 repsOur best will:
Snatch 2/3 body weight.
Jump 26" box.
Back extension/Glute-ham raise with 20 pound medicine ball.
Complete three rounds in ten minutes.
Monday 010618
Hang from bar and touch knees to elbows, 15-12 and 9 reps.
20 Dips
Run 400 meters, max effort.
With no rest between deadlift and pull-ups with only 60 seconds rest between superset:
Deadlift 15 reps (body weight)/Pull-ups 15 reps
Deadlift 12 reps (body weight)/Pull-ups 12 reps
Deadlift 9 reps (body weight)/Pull-ups 9 reps
Run 400 meters, max effort.
20 Dips
Hang form bar and touch knees to elbows, 15-12 and 9 reps.
Tuesday 010619
Row 500 meters
Clean and Jerk 15 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Row 500 meters
Clean and Jerk 15 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Row 500 meters
Clean and Jerk 15 repsOur best athletes will C & J their bodyweight for each set
and row sub 1:30 - 500's.
Friday 010615
For time:
Row 500 meters (max effort after warm-up).
Hang from bar and slowly bring knees to elbows 15 reps (no lurching).
Powerclean 15 reps (max load).
Hang from bar and slowly bring knees to elbows 15 reps (again, controlled).
Row 500 meters (all out!).
Powerclean 15 reps (same load as before).