Friday 010427
Jump-rope, 1 minute double under/1 minute rest 5 times
Muscle-up & Dip: do five muscle-ups with ten dips after each muscle-up
Snatch two sets, 15 and 12 reps
Swim 100 meters 4 times
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Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Friday 010427
Jump-rope, 1 minute double under/1 minute rest 5 times
Muscle-up & Dip: do five muscle-ups with ten dips after each muscle-up
Snatch two sets, 15 and 12 reps
Swim 100 meters 4 times
Saturday 010421
Max set of pull-ups
Run 800 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Run 400 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Run 200 metersReport entire time for workout and total for pull-ups.
Monday 010423
Rope Climb & Push-up: climb rope then perform 25 push-ups,
repeat for total of four times
Squat three sets, 15, 5, and 3 reps
Row 1000 meters
Tuesday 010424
Run 800 meters two times
Sit-ups & Back Extension, superset three sets
Bench Press five sets all at ten reps, total weights
Jump-rope practice double under for ten minutes
Wednesday 010425
Push-ups & Pull-ups, do max set of push-ups then max set of pull-ups,
repeat for total of three times
Clean and Jerk, three sets, 15,12, and 9 reps
Row 500 meters three times
Thursday 010419
Warm-up with five minutes of cardio, a single set each of sit-up,
back extension, air squat, pull-up, push-up, and finally stretch.
(This is the default CrossFit warm-up. Remember it, please.)Complete your warm-up with each of the following using comfortable loads.
Deadlift, 1 set, 10 reps
Power Clean, 1 set, 10 reps
Front Squat, 1 set, 10 reps
Push Press, 1 set, 10 reps
Go heavy:
Clean and Jerk, 5 sets, 5,3,2,1,1 reps
Snatch, 5 sets, 5,3,2,1,1 reps
Friday 010420
Max set of pull-ups
Run 800 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Run 400 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Run 200 metersReport entire time for workout and total for pull-ups.
Wednesday 010418
Warm-up EZ sit-up, back ext., pull-up, push-up, air squat and stretch
21 Rep push-press followed immediately by max set of pull-ups.
Rest as needed; you don't need more than three minutes
Repeat for total of five combined sets.Run 1 mile.
Sunday 010415
Do three sets of chin-ups. Give yourself entirely to this task.
100% Take any rest needed between sets.
Total three sets and submit.Do three sets of squats on a ten-inch box. Squat to seated, relax, and squat
to stand with no sudden movements or postural shifts. The “landing” should
be invisible to the observer. 50,35,20 reps with one minute break between sets.Time one hundred push-ups. Submit time.
How many sit-ups (good controlled ones, like the abmat sit-up)
can you do in five minutes? Submit count.Can you do thirty back extensions without "throwing" a single rep?
Monday 010416
Warm-up with back extension, sit-up, pull-up, push-up, squat, and stretching.
About ten to twelve minutes of near constant movement.One minute of jump rope (double under if you're able) followed by one minute of rest.
Repeat for a total of five times.Practice your handstand and handstand push-up.
Try for three sets of handstand push-ups.One set of back squats at twenty-one reps. Max weight.
Cool-down with back extension, sit-up, push-up, squat, and stretching.
About ten to twelve minutes of near constant movement