Saturday 020323
Three rounds of the couplet:
5 Rope climb; record time
Kettlebell swing for time equivalent to Rope Climb effort.
Rest as needed.
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Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Saturday 020323
Three rounds of the couplet:
5 Rope climb; record time
Kettlebell swing for time equivalent to Rope Climb effort.
Rest as needed.
Sunday 020324
20 inch box jump, 50 reps
50 Sit
20 inch box jump, 40 reps
40 Sit ups.
20 inch box jump, 30 reps
30 Sit upsNotes:
Power through first round. Record time.
Complete subsequent rounds within same time.
Monday 020325
Thruster 10-10-10-5-5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1, reps
1. Take easy pace.
2. Go heavy.
Thursday 020321
Three rounds of the couplet:
50 Hang Powerclean, 50 reps
500 meter Row
Rest 5 minutes.Notes:
1. Try to complete each round within 150 seconds.
Tuesday 020319
Three to five rounds of the couplet:
Wall ball 90 seconds, max pace.
Pull ups, max reps.
Rest 3 minutes.Notes:
1. No rest between wall-ball and pull-ups.
2. If you don't have twenty pull-ups fresh, use assistance on the pull-ups of 1/3 bodyweight.
Wednesday 020320
Five rounds of the couplet:
10 Deadlift
30 Push up
Rest 2 minutes.Notes:
1. No rest between deadlift and push-ups.
2. Select max 10 rep load
Saturday 020316
Five efforts of:
1000 meter RowNotes:
1. Rest equivalent to work period, i.e., rowing time.
Sunday 020317
For time
20 Muscle upsNotes:
1. Have someone minimally assist on the muscle-ups
with a lift from the ankles, hips, or back.
Tuesday 020312
Seven rounds of:
easy pace
7 Bench press
30 Sit ups
Wednesday 020313
Alternate exercises for 5 sets of each.
Hang Clean/Front Squat (combined move) 10 reps at bodyweight.
Rope Climb, twice up and down with touch and go only on bottom. (Doubles climbing length)Rest after rope as needed, not between clean/squat and rope!