You most likely did a push-up at some stage in your life before beginning CrossFit, but you may not have done the full spectrum of motion pushups we use in CrossFit. Your arms should be absolutely straight at the top, and your chest should be in touch with the ground at the bottom.
The intended time domain for today’s workout is in the 12-15 minute range. Modify the distance and reps so that you can move through each movement with minimal rest.
Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
250-m row
15 assisted push-ups
12 sit-ups
Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes perform:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
If you fall behind the clock, keep going for 30 minutes and see how many rounds you can complete.
If you've finished the workout before, this time add 1 rep to each exercise — i.e., 6 pull-ups, 11 push-ups, and 16 squats each minute — and see if you can go the full 30 minutes.
Post results to comments.
Compare to 180816.
For intermediate athletes, this benchmark has a built-in scale by requiring you to continue after you fail to meet the interval. Newer athletes should modify the movements and reps but try to maintain a similar interval structure.
Beginner Option:
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes perform:
3 jumping pull-ups
6 knee push-ups
9 squats
If you fall behind the clock, keep going for 20 minutes and see how many rounds you can complete.
200-m dumbbell farmers carry
Then as many reps as possible of:
10 deficit push-ups (hands on DBs)
10 dumbbell squats
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
♀ 25-lb. dumbbells ♂ 35-lb. dumbbells
Post number of reps completed each round to comments.
Similar to 210227, reduce the dumbbell load so you can move with limited rest on both the carries and squats. Deconditioned athletes may consider shortening the 5-minute interval to encourage a faster pace each round.
Intermediate Option:
Three 5-minute rounds of:
200-m dumbbell farmers carry
Then as many reps as possible of:
10 deficit push-ups (hands on DBs)
10 dumbbell squats
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
♀ 25-lb. dumbbells ♂ 15-lb. dumbbells
Beginner Option:
Three 3-minute rounds of:
100-m dumbbell farmers carry
Then as many reps as possible of:
10 assisted push-ups
10 dumbbell squats
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
EMOM x 20 Minutes:
Min 1: 10 Single Arm Object Rows (Each Arm)
Min 2: 30 Alternating Leg V-ups
Min 3: Max Reps Push Ups
Min 4: Rest
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5 Sets
AMRAP 3 Minutes
3 Deadlifts (275/185)
6 Push Ups
9 Box Jumps (24”/20”)
-Rest 1 Minute-
* Start each AMRAP where you left the previous one off at
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This chipper should push your muscular stamina while being metabolically taxing. Drop the reps and modify the movements for the exercises you struggle with. Try to avoid any one exercise taking more than 8 minutes.