For time:
7 Muscle ups
15 Clean and Jerks
1000 meter Row
1. Notice the variation on this theme through the week.
2. If you can't do the muscle-up yet, do 50 pull-ups and 50 dips.
3. Record time for comparisons M-T-W-Th-F-Sa.
4. O.K., So you can't C&J your bodyweight; use 50 or 75%.
For time:
15 Clean and Jerks
7 Muscle ups
1000 meter Row
1. Notice the variation on this theme through the week.
2. If you can't do the muscle-up yet, do 50 pull-ups and 50 dips.
3. Record time for comparisons M-T-W-Th-F-Sa.
4. O.K., So you can't C&J your bodyweight; use 50 or 75%.
For time:
1000 meter Row
7 Muscle ups
15 Clean and Jerk; body weight
1. Notice the variation on this theme through the week.
2. If you can't do the muscle-up yet, do 50 pull-ups and 50 dips.
3. Record time for comparisons T-W-Th-F-Sa.
4. O.K., So you can't C&J your bodyweight; use 50 or 75%.
15 Clean and Jerks; body weight
1000 meter Row
7 Muscle ups
1. Notice the variation on this theme through the week.
2. If you can't do the muscle-up yet, do 50 pull-ups and 50 dips.
3. Record time for comparisons T-W-Th-F-Sa.
4. O.K., So you can't C&J your bodyweight; use 50 or 75%.
Three rounds for time of:
Bike Sprint; 2 minutes
20 Pull-ups
20 Dips.
Rest 2 minutes.
1. Go as hard and fast as you can on the bike sprint.
2. Do as many of the pull-ups and dips as you can without assistance.
3. Absolutely no break until the dips are completed.
1. Perform any sit-up you want.
2. If you're new to the site and don't know what a muscle-up is,
you can find it in today's link.
3. If you still can't perform the muscle up. Give us twenty-five pull-ups
and twenty-five dips per round.
4. Typically, you'll have the strength for a muscle-up when you can do
twenty pull-ups and dips without a pause.
1. Reminder: The Tabata Interval is 20 secs on/ 10 secs off repeated 8 times.
2. Take as much rest between Tabata efforts as needed.
3.On the first of the pull-up and first of the dip efforts don't dismount the bar(s)
for the duration of each 20 second interval.
4. On the second pull-up and second dip efforts it is OK to dismount the bar(s)
before the interval concludes (ahead of the 10 second rest).
One Muscle-up per minute for as long as you can go!
Can anyone do one muscle-up per minute for twenty minutes?
How far can you get?
1. A muscle-up is pulling yourself from below the rings to above and
dipping to full arm extension. It is an unrivaled move for developing
upper body strength.
It is much more difficult than any pull-up or dip and consequently a
move of much greater potential for strength development.
2. If you don't have rings, buy them!! Rings have no rival for upper
body strength development. If you are serious about your sport/fitness
you'll pick some up.
3. We've listed some vendors within the message board.
4. If you can't do a muscle up, see how many pull-ups and dips can
you do in an hour?
Back Squat, Tabata Intervals, 10" Box
Dips, max set
Back Squat, total from Tabata effort, 10" Box, single set
Dips, max set
1.Perform the Tabata Squats with 45 to 95 lbs, work for twelve reps at each of the eight intervals.
2.On the second set of Squats perform in a single set the total (96, hopefully)
performed in all eight Tabata Intervals.
3. Rest no more than two minutes after both Squat efforts.
4. Anyone ready for "L" Dips? Whose got 30?