Monday 031103
Tabata hang squat clean 85 pounds
Bench press 135X21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps rest 60 seconds between sets.Rest as needed between Tabata effort and bench press. Post Tabata score to comments.
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Monday 031103
Tabata hang squat clean 85 pounds
Bench press 135X21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps rest 60 seconds between sets.Rest as needed between Tabata effort and bench press. Post Tabata score to comments.
Sunday 031012
Max deadlift
Max bench press
Max squatIt's a powerlifting meet! Warm-up, and allow multiple sets to find your max lifts. Don't attempt this workout in just three sets! Find then post your max deadlift, bench press, and squat to comments.
Wednesday 031008
5 rounds of:
Max Bench
Max Pull-upsRamp up to a near max bench, and within 30 seconds of racking the lift begin the pull-ups. Rest two minutes between rounds. Multiply the bench press load in pounds by the number of pull-ups completed for each round and post to comments.
Monday 030915
How many rounds can you complete in 20 minutes?
Bench press 135X12
12 Pull-ups
Friday 030815
By any progression of your choosing find a max deadlift and max bench press.
Saturday 030705
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1.5 x bodyweight
Bench press: bodyweight
Clean: .75 x bodyweightSet up three bars and storm through for time. Post time to comments.
Wednesday 030611
Run 1 mile.
Bench Press bodyweight 21 reps.Rest, repeat off clock.
Tuesday 030311
Perform a max single rep bench press
within thirty seconds of racking weight
perform max set of pull-ups.Multiply bench press load by pull-up reps for
“useful upper body strength index” – a CrossFit original!Test again in five minutes.
Saturday 030308
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes of:
10 Bench press: body weight
10 Pull-ups
10 Jump Rope "Double unders"
Friday 030131
Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:
1 mile Bike
10 Pull-ups
135 pound Bench Press, 15 reps