6 Rounds For Time
6 Front Squats (50/35 kg)
6 Pull-Ups
6 Bench Presses (80/60 kg)
6 Deadlifts (80/60 kg)
6 Barbell Rows (60/40 kg)
6 Shoulder-to-Overheads (30/20 kg)
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Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
6 Rounds For Time
6 Front Squats (50/35 kg)
6 Pull-Ups
6 Bench Presses (80/60 kg)
6 Deadlifts (80/60 kg)
6 Barbell Rows (60/40 kg)
6 Shoulder-to-Overheads (30/20 kg)
Friday 240322
For time:
60-second L-sit
30 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second hang from the pull-up bar
20 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second hang from the pull-up bar
10 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second L-sit
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
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Today’s workout falls within a moderate time domain. All of the holds and hangs are cumulative. Break as needed and chip away. To keep the workout moving, scale the L-sit hold to a variation that allows you to maintain at least a 10-second hold. Scale the hang to a variation that allows you to maintain around 30 seconds at a time. The load on the barbell should be light-moderate. You should be able to perform at least 10 reps unbroken with the weight you choose. Work hard and have fun!
Intermediate option:
For time:
60-second L-sit (bent legs)
30 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second hang from the pull-up bar
20 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second hang from the pull-up bar
10 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second L-sit (bent legs)
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
30-second L-sit drill: seated leg raises
30 shoulder-to-overheads
30-second hang from the pull-up bar
20 shoulder-to-overheads
30-second hang from the pull-up bar
10 shoulder-to-overheads
30-second L-sit drill: seated leg raises
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
The L-Sit
The Shoulder Press
The Push Press
The Push Jerk
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Featured photo:
Taken by Tai Randall during Open Workout 24.3 at CrossFit Tradition in Port Saint Lucie, Florida.
Wednesday 231011
For time:
5 power cleans
20 dumbbell bench presses
100 double-unders
10 power cleans
20 dumbbell bench presses
100 double-unders
15 power cleans
20 dumbbell bench presses
100 double-unders
♀ 125-lb cleans, 50-lb DBs
♂ 185-lb cleans, 70-lb DBs
Rest, then,
Accumulate 2 minutes in an L-sit hold.
*Focusing on quality, accumulate 2 minutes in as few sets as possible.
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Reduce the load on the power cleans and bench presses. Choose a load on the barbell that allows for moderately heavy singles. Choose a dumbbell load with which you’re able to complete the first 20 in 3 sets or less. The double-under can be modified to 30 lateral jumps over the barbell. For the L-sit hold, watch “L-Sit Drills,” choose a drill, and practice.
Intermediate option:
For time:
5 power cleans
20 dumbbell bench presses
100 double-unders
10 power cleans
20 dumbbell bench presses
100 double-unders
15 power cleans
20 dumbbell bench presses
100 double-unders
♀ 105-lb cleans, 35-lb DBs
♂ 155-lb cleans, 50-lb DBs
Rest, then,
Accumulate 2 minutes in an L-sit hold.
*Focusing on quality, accumulate 2 minutes in as few sets as possible.
Beginner option:
For time:
5 power cleans
20 dumbbell bench presses
30 lateral jumps over barbell
10 power cleans
20 dumbbell bench presses
30 lateral jumps over barbell
15 power cleans
20 dumbbell bench presses
30 lateral jumps over barbell
♀ 55-lb cleans, 15-lb DBs
♂ 75-lb cleans, 25-lb DBs
Rest, then,
Practice 2-5 minutes of an L-sit drill of choice.
Monday 231113
Meet Guest Programmer - Dale King: Nov. 6-19, 2023.
For time:
Row 1,000 meters
30 bench presses, body weight
Row 1,000 meters
20 bench presses
Row 1,000 meters
10 bench presses
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Compare to 070113.
Reduce the distance of the row to keep each effort under 5 minutes. Reduce the load, and potentially the volume, of the bench presses to maintain sets of 5 or more reps at a time.
Intermediate option:
For time:
Row 1,000 meters
30 bench presses, ¾ body weight
Row 1,000 meters
20 bench presses
Row 1,000 meters
10 bench presses
Beginner option:
For time:
Row 700 meters
20 bench presses
Row 700 meters
15 bench presses
Row 700 meters
10 bench presses
♀ 45-lb barbell
♂ 65-lb barbell
Movement Resources:
The Bench Press
Rowing Technique
Saturday 240427
For time:
20 shoulder presses
200-meter farmers carry
30 push presses
200-meter farmers carry
40 push jerks
200-meter farmers carry
♀ 95-lb barbell and 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 135-lb barbell and 50-lb dumbbells
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Today’s workout pairs grunt work with barbell stamina. The barbell movement in this workout increases in technical difficulty to add a unique challenge. As you become more tired, can you maintain your technique to power through the workout? The loading of the barbell should feel moderate and allow you to complete the shoulder presses in 4 sets or less. The incorporation of the hips in both the push press and push jerk should make the loading feel easier. Choose a load that allows you to perform the movements as written and practice the more technically demanding exercises. Work hard and have fun.
Intermediate option:
For time:
20 shoulder presses
200-meter farmers carry
30 push presses
200-meter farmers carry
40 push jerks
200-meter farmers carry
♀ 65-lb barbell and 20-lb dumbbells
♂ 95-lb barbell and 35-lb dumbbells
Beginner option:
For time:
10 shoulder presses
100-meter farmers carry
15 push presses
100-meter farmers carry
20 push jerks
100-meter farmers carry
♀ 35-lb barbell and 15-lb dumbbells
♂ 45-lb barbell and 20-lb dumbbells
The Shoulder Press
The Dumbbell Farmers Carry
The Push Press
The Push Jerk
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Featured photo:
Taken by Tai Randall at CrossFit Tradition in Port Saint Lucie, Florida.