For Time
45 Left-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Lunges (24/16 kg)
45 Toes-to-Bars
45 Goblet Squats (24/16 kg)
45 Pull-Ups
45 Alternating Kettlebell Snatches (24/16 kg)
45 calorie Row
45 Right-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Lunges (24/16 kg)
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
For Time
45 Left-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Lunges (24/16 kg)
45 Toes-to-Bars
45 Goblet Squats (24/16 kg)
45 Pull-Ups
45 Alternating Kettlebell Snatches (24/16 kg)
45 calorie Row
45 Right-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Lunges (24/16 kg)
Friday 211029
For time:
4 legless rope climbs
40 single-leg squats, alternating
40 dumbbell snatches, alternating
3 legless rope climbs
30 single-leg squats, alternating
30 dumbbell snatches, alternating
2 legless rope climbs
20 single-leg squats, alternating
20 dumbbell snatches, alternating
1 legless rope climb
10 single-leg squats, alternating
10 dumbbell snatches, alternating
♀ 35-lb. DB ♂ 50-lb. DB
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Watch “Pistol Variations” and practice proper technique in the single-leg squats. Reduce or modify the rope climbs to something that allows you to keep moving throughout.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
3 legless rope climbs
30 single-leg squats, alternating
30 dumbbell snatches, alternating
2 legless rope climbs
20 single-leg squats, alternating
20 dumbbell snatches, alternating
1 legless rope climbs
10 single-leg squats, alternating
10 dumbbell snatches, alternating
1 rope climb
5 single-leg squats, alternating
5 dumbbell snatches, alternating
♀ 25-lb. DB ♂ 35-lb. DB
Beginner Option:
For time:
3 rope climbs, lying to standing
30 squats, alternating
30 dumbbell snatches, alternating
2 rope climbs, lying to standing
20 squats, alternating
20 dumbbell snatches, alternating
1 rope climb, lying to standing
10 squats, alternating
10 dumbbell snatches, alternating
1 rope climb, lying to standing
5 squats, alternating
5 dumbbell snatches, alternating
♀ 10-lb. DB ♂ 15 lb.-DB
Sunday 230430
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
3 strict handstand push-ups
3 overhead squats
6 strict handstand push-ups
3 overhead squats
9 strict handstand push-ups
3 overhead squats
12 strict handstand push-ups
6 overhead squats
15 strict handstand push-ups
6 overhead squats
18 strict handstand push-ups
6 overhead squats
21 strict handstand push-ups
9 overhead squats
Continue until time expires, adding 3 handstand push-ups each round and 3 overhead squats every 3 rounds.
♀ 105 lb ♂ 155 lb
Today’s movement combo will tax your overhead position. Reduce the reps on the handstand push-ups and/or reduce the load on the barbell in order to work through the earlier rounds with minimal rest.
Intermediate Option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
1 strict handstand push-up
3 overhead squats
2 strict handstand push-ups
3 overhead squats
3 strict handstand push-ups
3 overhead squats
4 strict handstand push-ups
6 overhead squats
5 strict handstand push-ups
6 overhead squats
6 strict handstand push-ups
6 overhead squats
7 strict handstand push-ups
9 overhead squats
Continue until time expires, adding 1 handstand push-up each round and 3 overhead squats every 3 rounds.
♀ 95 lb ♂ 135 lb
Beginner Option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
3 push-ups
3 overhead squats
6 push-ups
3 overhead squats
9 push-ups
3 overhead squats
12 push-ups
6 overhead squats
15 push-ups
6 overhead squats
18 push-ups
6 overhead squats
21 push-ups
9 overhead squats
Continue until time expires, adding 3 push-ups each round and 3 overhead squats every 3 rounds.
♀ 22 lb ♂ 35 lb
Saturday 230318
IQF Test 2
12-minute AMRAP:
8 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
8 overhead walking-lunge steps, arm 1
8 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
8 overhead walking-lunge steps, arm 2
40 crossovers
♀ 50 lb
♂ 70 lb
Beginner-level athletes should reduce the dumbbell weight in order to move through this AMRAP with big sets and minimal rest. If you are unable to maintain a straight arm with the weight overhead in the walking lunges, move the dumbbell to the hang position.
Intermediate option:
12-minute AMRAP:
8 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
8 overhead walking-lunge steps, arm 1
8 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
8 overhead walking-lunge steps, arm 2
20 crossovers
♀ 35 lb ♂ 50 lb
Beginner option:
12-minute AMRAP:
8 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
8 walking-lunge steps, arm 1
8 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
8 walking-lunge steps, arm 2
40 single-unders
♀ 10 lb ♂ 15 lb
Tuesday 231114
Meet Guest Programmer - Dale King: Nov. 6-19, 2023.
For time:
Left-arm kettlebell snatches
Right-arm kettlebell snatches
Burpee box jump-overs
♀ 16-kg kettlebell, 20-inch box
♂ 24-kg kettlebell, 24-inch box
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With a high volume of transitions, this workout requires consistent efforts on the kettlebell and box. Reduce the load of the kettlebell to keep all snatches unbroken and modify the burpee box jump-overs to avoid rest breaks between reps.
Intermediate option:
For time:
Left-arm kettlebell snatches
Right-arm kettlebell snatches
Burpee box jump-overs
♀ 12-kg kettlebell, 20-inch box
♂ 16-kg kettlebell, 24-inch box
Beginner option:
For time:
Left-arm kettlebell snatches
Right-arm kettlebell snatches
Burpee box step-overs
♀ 8-kg kettlebell, 12-inch box
♂ 12-kg kettlebell, 20-inch box
Movement resources:
The Kettlebell Snatch
The Burpee Box Jump-over