Friday 010928
Four rounds for time of:
500 meter Row
10 Power cleans
15 Knees to ElbowsNotes:
1. Use body weight for Power clean
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Friday 010928
Four rounds for time of:
500 meter Row
10 Power cleans
15 Knees to ElbowsNotes:
1. Use body weight for Power clean
Monday 011001
20 Sit ups
20 Back Extensions
1000 meter Row
Tabata Squats
Tabata Push press
1000 meter Row
20 Sit-ups
20 Back ExtensionsNotes:
1. Don't rush through, but give big effort to each exercise.
2. Tabata Interval protocol is 20 seconds of work followed
by a ten second rest, repeated 8 times.
Thursday 010927
Five rounds for time of:
15 Thrusters
15 Pull upsNotes:
1. As heavy a dumbbell as you can.
2. Clean pull-ups minimally assisted if necessary
Satuday 010922
Tabata Squat
Tabata Sit up on Glute-ham developer.
Tabata Pull up (use G'tron or Cybex assisted p'up device with 50% BW assistance)
Tabata Push press (use 1/3 BW)
Tabata RowNotes:
1. The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times.
2. Take any break you need between exercises.
3. Total the weakest intervals from each of the 5 exercises for score.
4. On the rower, measure the intervals by calories, not meters.
Monday 010924
Overhead squat, 20-20-20 reps
Front squat, 10-10-10 reps
Back squat, 5-5-5 repsNotes:
1. Increase load dramatically proceeding from Overhead to Front to Back Squats.
2. Use perfect form, or it's not a squat.
3. Use same load for all three sets of each exercise.
4. Rest as needed.
Tuesday 010925
1 Pull-up
1 Dip
1 Sit-up
2 Pull-ups
2 Dips
2 Sit-ups
3 Pull-ups
3 Sit-ups
Get it?
Continue this sequence as far as you can for exactly 30 minutes.Notes.
1. No "crappy" pull-ups, dips, or sit-ups. Perfect form, please.
Wednesday 010926
Run 400 meters
Deadlift, 5-5-5 reps
Run 400 meters
Deadlift, 4-4-4 reps
Run 400 meters
Deadlift, 3-3-3 rep.
Run 400 meters
Deadlift, 2-2-2 reps
Run 400 meters
Deadlift, 1-1-1 repsNotes:
1. Don't hurry through this. Rest as needed to max output.
2. Max loads on lifts.
3. Run hard on sprints.
Wednesday 010919
500 meter Row
20 Clean and Jerk
500 meter Row
20 Clean and JerkNotes:
1. Time entire effort.
2. Use same load as Monday for C&J, not to exceed 100% bodyweight.
3. If you complete workout in less than 10 minutes, increase load by 30% and go again.
Thursday 010920
15 Back Extension
1 Rope Climb
20 Push ups
1 Rope Climb
25 Sit ups
1 Rope ClimbNotes:
1. If able climb the rope from a seated posture and maintain an "L" throughout.
2. No ugly push-ups.
3. Sit-up of your choice.
4. Don't swing the back extension, no momentum.
Friday 010921
For time:
20 Clean and Jerk
1000 meter Row
20 Clean and JerkNotes:
1. Use the same load as you did on Monday and Wednesday, not to exceed bodyweight.
2. If you complete this in less than ten minutes you don't have enough weight on the bar.