Tuesday 021015
Three rounds for time of:
Dips, max reps
Walking lunges, 20 steps
1/3 Body weight Push-press, max reps
Walking lunges, 20 steps
Hanstand Push-ups, max reps
Walking lunges, 20 steps
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Tuesday 021015
Three rounds for time of:
Dips, max reps
Walking lunges, 20 steps
1/3 Body weight Push-press, max reps
Walking lunges, 20 steps
Hanstand Push-ups, max reps
Walking lunges, 20 steps
Wednesday 020731
Seven rounds for time of:
Walking lunge, 10 steps
3 Rope climb
10 Dips
Monday 020729
Seven rounds for time of:
Walking lunge, 10 steps
10 Pull ups
10 Push ups
Sunday 020714
While holding 32 kg. Kettlebell lunge 75 ft. and back
135 pound Hang clean; max reps
Same lunge with 24 kg Kettlebell
135 pound Hang clean; max reps
Same lunge with 16 kg Kettlebell
135 pound Hang clean; max repsNotes:
1. Enjoy
2. Hang clean rep total wins
Sunday 020428
For time:
500 Meter row
50 One legged squats, alternating right-left (25 each leg)
500 Meter row
100 Walking lunges, alternating right-left (50 each leg)
500 Meter rowNotes:
1. One legged squat is performed with non-supporting leg held
straight out in front, without touching ground.
2. If absolutely essential, use rope tied to pull-up bar as assistance.
Thursday 010913
30 Walking Lunges; 1/2 your bodyweight
10 Muscle ups
30 Walking Lunges; 1/2 your bodyweight
10 Muscle upsNotes:
1. Make lunge steps as long as you possibly can. Trailing knee must "kiss" the ground on each step.
2. Have someone hold your feet and assist minimally for the muscle-up.
3. If you don't have rings you are missing out on an incomparable tool.
Monday 010903
Three rounds of:
20 Walking Lunges; with dumbbells totaling 1/3 your bodyweight
20 Thrusters
20 Pull-ups
Rest three minutes.Notes:
1. Measure your pace so that “Thrusters” begin directly under your pull-up bar.
2. Each step of the lunge should drop the trailing knee so that it "kisses" the ground.
3. "Thrusters" begin in a deep squat and end in full hip, leg, and arm extension.
4. No crappy pull-ups. Adam's apple to bar at top, arms completely extended at bottom.
5. The twenty pull-ups are consecutive pull-ups. You don't come down from the bar
until they're done. Have someone assist you minimally if assistance is required.
Wednesday 010815
Three rounds for time of:
Walking Lunge 50 steps
50 Push-up
4 "L"-Rope ClimbNotes:
1. Lunge requires trailing knee to "kiss" the ground on each step.
2. Push-ups only count if body is perfectly straight and chest comes to ground.
3. L-Rope climb is a rope climb with your legs straight out in front of you.
Saturday 010721
Row 500 meters
Dumbbell walking lunge, 30 steps
Row 1000 meters
Dumbbell walking lunge, 30 steps
Row 2000 meters
Dumbbell walking lunge, 30 stepsNotes:
1. Row a moderate paced 500 and then attempt that pace for the 1K and 2K efforts.
2. Use 1/4, 1/3, or 1/2 your body weight for the lunges depending on your fitness.
3. No resting, none.
Saturday 010714
Three rounds for time of:
1/4 bodyweight Walking Lunge, 20 steps
"L" Rope Climb
Rest 60 seconds.Notes:
Start lunging 20 steps from rope. Lunge to rope and immediately sit and climb.