For Time
30 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb)
30 Muscle-Ups
30 Snatches (135/95 lb)
Time Cap: 12 minutes
The Push Jerk is close to the Push Press in that we've got the same set-up, dip and drive through the feet, touch the full hip stretch, and then use the hip created energy to press the barbell overhead.
Clean-and-Jerk Speed Ladder
For Time
3 rounds of Heavy Clean-and-Jerk Ladders
Round 1:
Men: 245-255-265-270-275 lb
Women: 155-160-165-170-175 lb
Time Cap: 1 minute
Round 2:
Men: 280-290-300-305-310 lb
Women: 180-185-190-195-200 lb
Time Cap: 2 minutes
Round 3:
Men: 315-325-335-340-345 lb
Women: 205-210-215-220-225 lb
Time Cap: 3 minutes
Clean and Jerk
For Load
1 rep max Clean-and-Jerk
For Time
1,000 meter Row
Then, 5 rounds of:
25 Pull-Ups
7 Push Jerks (135/85 lb)
Time Cap: 15 minutes
Clean and Jerk Ladder
For Load
1 Clean-and-Jerk every 90 seconds
Men: 225-235-245-255-265-275-285-295-305-315-325-335-345-355-365-375-385-395-405 lb
Women: 145-150-155-160-165-170-175-180-185-190-195-200-205-210-215-220-225-230-235-240-245-250 lb
For Time
5 Rope Climbs (15 ft)
5 Clean-and-Jerks (145/115 lb)
4 Rope Climbs (15 ft)
4 Clean-and-Jerks (165/125 lb)
3 Rope Climbs (15 ft)
3 Clean-and-Jerks (185/135 lb)
2 Rope Climbs (15 ft)
2 Clean-and-Jerks (205/145 lb)
1 Rope Climb (15 ft)
1 Clean-and-Jerk (225/155 lb)
CrossFit Games 8.1
For Time
30 Squat Clean-and-Jerks (155/100 lb)
Thursday 210107
Thursday 210107
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:Muscle-ups
Bodyweight clean and jerksPost time to comments.
This workout contains a high volume of two difficult exercises. If you can perform some muscle-ups but not all 55 reps, eliminate the early rounds to reduce the total number of reps. Newer athletes should substitute with both gymnastics pulling AND gymnastics pushing exercises.Intermediate Option:
7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:Muscle-ups
¾ bodyweight clean and jerksBeginner Option:
7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:Jumping pull-ups
Knee push-ups
⅓ bodyweight clean and jerks
Sunday 210103
Sunday 210103
10 rounds for time of:
3 clean and jerks
3 burpees over the barOr,
10 rounds for time of:
3 snatches
3 burpees over the bar♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb.
Post choice of girl and time to comments.
Reduce the load on the barbell so you can complete the 3 reps unbroken for most of the workout.Intermediate Option:
Same reps as Rx’d♀ 75 lb. ♂ 105 lb.
Beginner Option:
7 rounds for time of:
3 clean and jerks or snatches
3 burpees over the bar♀ 45 lb. ♂ 65 lb.
Tuesday 201124
Tuesday 201124
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 squat snatch
3 clean and jerks
30 double-unders♀ 105 lb. ♂ 155 lb.