For Time
2,000 meter Run
50 Pull-Ups
50 Thrusters (40/30 kg)
2,000 meter Row
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
For Time
2,000 meter Run
50 Pull-Ups
50 Thrusters (40/30 kg)
2,000 meter Row
Friday 240607
CrossFit Service Cup, Workout 1
For time:
50 pull-ups
400-meter run
21 thrusters
800-meter run
21 thrusters
400-meter run
50 pull-ups
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
Time cap: 20 minutes
Compare to 221221.
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Today's workout is the first 2024 Service Cup workout in honor of Army Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Crabtree, who was killed in action on June 8, 2006, while serving in Al Kut, Iraq.
This workout is pyramid-style with a moderate time domain. Use a light load for the thrusters that allows you to reach proper depth and maintain sound mechanics. You should be able to complete the thrusters in no more than 3 sets and in 90 seconds or less. Scale each element as needed to start the 800-meter run by about 7 minutes into the workout, allowing for completion in under 20 minutes. Complete the pull-ups in sets of 10+ and aim for no more than 5 sets, or 3 minutes, to finish each set of 50 reps.
Intermediate option:
For time:
25 pull-ups or jumping pull-ups
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
25 pull-ups or jumping pull-ups
♀ 45 lb
♂ 65 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
25 assisted pull-ups
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
25 assisted pull-ups
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
The Kipping Pull-up
The Thruster
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts
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Wednesday 240228
For time:
1,000-meter row
400-meter run
750-meter row
400-meter run
500-meter row
400-meter run
250-meter row
400-meter run
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Today is a moderately long endurance-focused workout. Maintain a consistent pace on the rower and push the pace on the run. Your pace on the rower is too fast if you are walking out the door on your run. Those performing the workout as prescribed should be able to complete the first row in no more than 4:30 and keep each run to 2:15 or less.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d
Beginner option:
For time:
600-meter row
200-meter run
400-meter row
200-meter run
200-meter row
200-meter run
Running Fundamentals
The CrossFit Open Kicks Off Tomorrow
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Featured photo:
Taken by Michael Valentin.
For the first time in Open live announcement history, six-time Fittest Woman on Earth Tia-Clair Toomey (pictured) will go toe-to-toe with 2023’s third-Fittest Woman on Earth Arielle Loewen in Open Workout 24.3.
How to Watch the 2024 CrossFit Open →
For Time
100 meter Row
800 meter Run*
200 meter Row
300 meter Row
400 meter Row
500 meter Row
600 meter Row
700 meter Row
800 meter Row
900 meter Row
1,000 meter Row
*Run 800m after every row distance.
Monday 231113
Meet Guest Programmer - Dale King: Nov. 6-19, 2023.
For time:
Row 1,000 meters
30 bench presses, body weight
Row 1,000 meters
20 bench presses
Row 1,000 meters
10 bench presses
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Compare to 070113.
Reduce the distance of the row to keep each effort under 5 minutes. Reduce the load, and potentially the volume, of the bench presses to maintain sets of 5 or more reps at a time.
Intermediate option:
For time:
Row 1,000 meters
30 bench presses, ¾ body weight
Row 1,000 meters
20 bench presses
Row 1,000 meters
10 bench presses
Beginner option:
For time:
Row 700 meters
20 bench presses
Row 700 meters
15 bench presses
Row 700 meters
10 bench presses
♀ 45-lb barbell
♂ 65-lb barbell
Movement Resources:
The Bench Press
Rowing Technique