Saturday 161105
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
25 pull-ups
50-calorie row
100 overhead squats
50 box jumps
25 pull-upsMen use a 45-lb. barbell and 24-in. box
Women use a 35-lb. barbell and 20-in. box
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Saturday 161105
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
25 pull-ups
50-calorie row
100 overhead squats
50 box jumps
25 pull-upsMen use a 45-lb. barbell and 24-in. box
Women use a 35-lb. barbell and 20-in. box
Friday 161028
For time:
1,000-m row
50 wall-ball shots
50 box jumps
750-m row
35 wall-ball shots
35 box jumps
500-m row
25 wall-ball shots
25 box jumpsUse a 20-lb. ball and a 24-in. box.
Friday 161021
Complete as many rounds as possible in 40 minutes of:
Row 500 meters
100 double-unders
Tuesday 161011
Complete rounds for 20 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
20 pulls on the rowerScore is total calories rowed.
Saturday 161001
Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
35-lb. single-arm dumbbell overhead lunges, 25 steps
Row 25 calories
35-lb. weighted sit-ups, 25 reps
Saturday 160910
5 minutes of rowing
5 minutes of push pressesThere is no rest between exercises.
Men use 115 lb. Women use 80 lb.
Tuesday 160830
Row 250 meters
Row 500 meters
Row 1,000 meters
Row 500 meters
Row 250 metersRest 1 minute between efforts.
Saturday 160806
5 2-minute rounds of:
15-ft. rope climb, 3 ascents
Row for caloriesRest at least 3 minutes between rounds.
Saturday 160716
5 rounds of:
Row 1,000 meters
Rest 3 minutesAdd times for all 5 rowing efforts and post total to comments.
Compare to 030513.
Sunday 160626
For time:
75 pull-ups
Row 500 meters
75 push-ups
Row 500 meters
50 pull-ups
Row 500 meters
50 push-ups
Row 500 meters
25 pull-ups
Row 500 meters
25 push-ups
Row 500 meters