Sunday 010408
Let's put some energy in to the five CrossFit Challenges (No's 1-5)
Vertical-leap 1/2 your body height. Muscle-up 10 times in a row without touching ground or coming off of the rings. Run 1 mile then complete a single set of bench press at body weight 21 reps, all within 10 minutes. Beat Garth Taylor's 1:25.5 500-meter Row. 21 reps of dumbbell "thrusters" at 1/2 your body weight.Don't let the enormity of the challenge deter your trying! Make a serious attempt at each
challenge and record the result. Save for late comparison. If you cannot do a muscle-up,
try anyway; the struggle is more important than the accomplishment.Daniel Kawika Bennett has achieved number 2, number 4 is Garth Taylor's,
and number 5 belongs to Cameron Earle. No one has completed two challenges