Another classic combo of thrusters and pull-ups. Today’s variation is light weight and high rep. Choose a weight on the thruster that is lighter than what you’ve done for Fran.
Intermediate Option:
50-30-20 reps for time of:
♀ 35 lb. ♂ 55 lb.
Beginner Option:
25-15-10 reps for time of:
Assisted pull-ups
This benchmark workout was first posted on on Aug. 25, 2003. When the community was introduced to Fran, CrossFit’s founder Greg Glassman challenged people to beat original CrossFit athlete Greg Amundson's time of 3:59. Today, elite athletes complete the prescribed workout in under 2 minutes. Fran is intended to be a sprint. Experienced athletes should go hard and shoot for a PR! Choose a load for the thruster that allows you to complete at least 15 unbroken reps. Select a pull-up option that allows you to complete each round with minimal rest. Intermediate and beginner athletes should establish a goal for this workout and create a plan for breaking up the thrusters and/or pull-ups as necessary.
Intermediate option:
For time:
21-15-9 reps of thrusters
12-9-6 reps of pull-ups
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb
Beginner option:
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Ring rows
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
The Thruster
The Pull-Up
The Ring Row
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Featured photo:
Taken by Peter Pan during Open Workout 24.3 at CrossFit CSTL in Hong Kong, China.
This couplet is one of the original variations on the classic Fran. Choose loads and modifications that are more challenging than you would do in Fran yet allow you to complete the reps in 2-3 sets each round.
Intermediate Option:
15-12-9 reps for time of:
Weighted pull-ups
For time:
50 pull-ups
400-meter run
21 thrusters
800-meter run
21 thrusters
400-meter run
50 pull-ups
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
Time cap: 20 minutes
Compare to 221221.
Post time or reps to comments.
Today's workout is the first 2024 Service Cup workout in honor of Army Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Crabtree, who was killed in action on June 8, 2006, while serving in Al Kut, Iraq.
This workout is pyramid-style with a moderate time domain. Use a light load for the thrusters that allows you to reach proper depth and maintain sound mechanics. You should be able to complete the thrusters in no more than 3 sets and in 90 seconds or less. Scale each element as needed to start the 800-meter run by about 7 minutes into the workout, allowing for completion in under 20 minutes. Complete the pull-ups in sets of 10+ and aim for no more than 5 sets, or 3 minutes, to finish each set of 50 reps.
Intermediate option:
For time:
25 pull-ups or jumping pull-ups
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
25 pull-ups or jumping pull-ups
♀ 45 lb
♂ 65 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
25 assisted pull-ups
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
25 assisted pull-ups
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
The Kipping Pull-up
The Thruster
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts
3 sets of shoulder presses, ⅔ body weight
3 sets of strict pull-ups
3 sets of push presses, ⅔ body weight
3 sets of strict pull-ups
3 sets of push jerks, ⅔ body weight
3 sets of strict pull-ups
Rest 30 sec. between sets.
Post reps completed to comments.
Reduce the load on the barbell movements and choose a pull-up modification that allows you to complete at least 10 reps of each when fresh. Newer athletes should reduce the total volume of this workout.
Intermediate Option:
For total reps:
3 sets of shoulder presses, ½ body weight
3 sets of strict pull-ups
3 sets of push presses, ½ body weight
3 sets of strict pull-ups
3 sets of push jerks, ½ body weight
3 sets of strict pull-ups
Rest 30 sec. between sets.
Beginner Option:
For total reps:
2 sets of shoulder presses, empty barbell
2 sets of assisted pull-ups
2 sets of push presses, empty barbell
2 sets of assisted pull-ups
2 sets of push jerks, empty barbell
2 sets of assisted pull-ups