For time:
1,000-meter row
400-meter run
750-meter row
400-meter run
500-meter row
400-meter run
250-meter row
400-meter run
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Today is a moderately long endurance-focused workout. Maintain a consistent pace on the rower and push the pace on the run. Your pace on the rower is too fast if you are walking out the door on your run. Those performing the workout as prescribed should be able to complete the first row in no more than 4:30 and keep each run to 2:15 or less.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d
Beginner option:
For time:
600-meter row
200-meter run
400-meter row
200-meter run
200-meter row
200-meter run
Running Fundamentals
The CrossFit Open Kicks Off Tomorrow
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Featured photo:
Taken by Michael Valentin.
For the first time in Open live announcement history, six-time Fittest Woman on Earth Tia-Clair Toomey (pictured) will go toe-to-toe with 2023’s third-Fittest Woman on Earth Arielle Loewen in Open Workout 24.3.
3 rounds for time of:
10 dumbbell power snatches, left arm
10 single-arm overhead squats, left arm
10 L pull-ups
10 dumbbell power snatches, right arm
10 single-arm overhead squats, right arm
10 L pull-ups
Men: 55-lb. dumbbell
Women: 40-lb. dumbbell
Scroll for scaling options.
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Compare to 151204.
• CrossFit WOD 180711 Tips With Rory McKernan
• The Dumbbell Power Snatch
• The Single-Dumbbell Overhead Squat
*Focusing on quality, accumulate 2 minutes in as few sets as possible.
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Reduce the load on the power cleans and bench presses. Choose a load on the barbell that allows for moderately heavy singles. Choose a dumbbell load with which you’re able to complete the first 20 in 3 sets or less. The double-under can be modified to 30 lateral jumps over the barbell. For the L-sit hold, watch “L-Sit Drills,” choose a drill, and practice.
Intermediate option:
For time:
5 power cleans
20 dumbbell bench presses
100 double-unders
10 power cleans
20 dumbbell bench presses
100 double-unders
15 power cleans
20 dumbbell bench presses
100 double-unders