6 Rounds For TIme
400 meter Sandbag Carry (50/40 lb)
12 Push Presses (115/75 lbs)
12 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
12 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (95/65 lb)
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6 Rounds For TIme
400 meter Sandbag Carry (50/40 lb)
12 Push Presses (115/75 lbs)
12 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
12 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (95/65 lb)
Wednesday 211222
Half Collin
3 rounds for time of:
400-m sandbag carry
12 push presses
12 box jumps
12 sumo deadlift high pulls
♀ 35-lb bag, 75-lb press, 20-in box, 65-lb SDHP
♂ 50-lb bag, 115-lb press, 24-in box, 95-lb SDHP
Post time to comments.
Compare to 101121 (similar).
Reduce the loading so you can work through the sets with minimal rest and complete the workout in 15 minutes or less.
Intermediate Option:
3 rounds for time of:
400-m sandbag carry
12 push presses
12 box jumps
12 sumo deadlift high pulls
♀ 20-lb bag, 75-lb press, 20-in box, 65-lb SDHP
♂ 35-lb bag, 115-lb press, 24-in box, 95-lb SDHP
Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
400-m run
12 push presses
12 box jumps
12 sumo deadlift high pulls
♀ 35-lb press, 12-in box, 22-lb SDHP
♂ 45-lb press, 20-in box, 35-lb SDHP
Friday 240412
Fight Gone Bad
3 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute of wall-ball shots
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of box jumps
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of rowing (calories)
Rest 1 minute
♀ 14-lb ball to 9 feet, 55-lb SDHP and press, 20-inch box
♂ 20-lb ball to 10 feet, 75-lb SDHP and press, 20-inch box
Post total reps to comments and log your score in the CrossFit app (CrossFit Benchmarks are located in the "Progress" tab).
Compare to 230904.
Today’s workout is a classic CrossFit benchmark, originally created for an MMA fighter to simulate the feeling of a 3-round match. Although we are not fighting in this workout, it does pack a punch. Push to keep moving for as much of each minute as possible. Capitalize on movements you excel at and pace yourself on your weaker movements. Most athletes should be able to stick with the interval pattern. Beginners should reduce the loading and height of the box. Intermediate athletes can complete this workout as prescribed.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d
Beginner option:
3 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute of wall-ball shots
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of box jumps
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of rowing (calories)
Rest 1 minute
♀ 6-lb ball to 9 feet, 35-lb SDHP and press, 12-inch box
♂ 10-lb ball to 10 feet, 45-lb SDHP and press, 12-inch box
The Wall-ball Shot
The Sumo Deadlift High Pull
The Box Jump
The Push Press
Rowing Technique
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Featured photo:
Taken by RXdPhotography during Open Workout 21.2 at Whitehart CrossFit in Pulborough, UK.
Friday 140411
In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
1 minute of 30-inch box jumps
1 minute of 115-lb. sumo deadlift high-pulls
2 minutes of 30-inch box jumps
2 minutes of 115-lb. sumo deadlift high-pulls
3 minutes of 30-inch box jumps
3 minutes of 115-lb. sumo deadlift high-pulls
Sunday 160327
In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
1 minute of 30-inch box jumps
1 minute of 115-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls
2 minutes of 30-inch box jumps
2 minutes of 115-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls
3 minutes of 30-inch box jumps
3 minutes of 115-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls