Friday 230310
Clean 3-3-3-3-3 reps
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Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible, while newer athletes can use this workout as an opportunity to drill the movement.
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Friday 230310
Clean 3-3-3-3-3 reps
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Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible, while newer athletes can use this workout as an opportunity to drill the movement.
Thursday 230309
For 15 minutes:
Toes-to-bar ladder + burpeesFor the ladder pattern, perform one toes-to-bar the first minute, followed by max reps burpees. Perform two toes-to-bars the second minute + max reps burpees. Perform three toes-to-bars the third minute + max reps burpees, continuing for 15 minutes or until failure to complete the toes-to-bars within the minute.
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This couplet will tax your midline. Work on quick transitions and challenge yourself to get as far as possible. Every rep counts. Intermediate athletes can perform this workout as written. If you do not yet have toes-to-bars, modify to hanging knee raises or sit-ups.Beginner Option:
For 10 minutes:
Hanging knee raise ladder + burpeesFor the ladder pattern, perform one hanging knee raise the first minute, followed by max reps burpees. Perform two hanging knee raises the second minute + max reps burpees. Perform three hanging knee raises the third minute + max reps burpees, continuing for 10 minutes.
Tuesday 230307
For time:
Row 2,000 meters
50 wall-ball shots
Row 1,000 meters
35 wall-ball shots
Row 500 meters
20 wall-ball shots♀ 14-lb ball to 9 ft
♂ 20-lb ball to 10 ftPost time to comments.
Compare to 181206.Scaling:
Aim to complete this couplet in about 20 minutes or less. Reduce the rowing distance as needed and select wall-ball modifications that allow you to perform relatively large sets so you can get back on the rower.Intermediate Option:
For time:
Row 2,000 meters
50 wall-ball shots
Row 1,000 meters
35 wall-ball shots
Row 500 meters
20 wall-ball shots♀ 10-lb ball to 9 ft
♂ 14-lb ball to 10 ftBeginner Option:
For time:
Row 1,000 meters
35 wall-ball shots
Row 500 meters
25 wall-ball shots
Row 250 meters
15 wall-ball shots♀ 6-lb ball
♂ 10-lb ball
Monday 230306
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Handstand push-ups♀ 155 lb ♂ 225 lb
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Compare to 200602.Scaling:
Experienced athletes should shoot for a PR on today’s benchmark workout. Newer athletes should reduce the load and modify the handstand push-ups in order to minimize rest and keep intensity high.Beginner Option:
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Assisted push-ups♀ 75 lb ♂ 115 lb
Sunday 230305
Wearing a 20-lb vest, 3 rounds for time of:
1K run
10 muscle-ups
100 squatsPost time to comments.
Compare to 100705.Scaling:
Today we have a Hero workout, a chance to honor a member of the CrossFit community and dig a little deeper. Newer athletes should reduce the overall volume. If you do not yet have muscle-ups, modify the movement to a pulling and pushing exercise.Intermediate Option:
3 rounds (without a weight vest) for time of:
1K run
5 muscle-ups 100 squatsBeginner Option:
3 rounds (without a weight vest) for time of:
500-m run
10 jumping pull-ups + 10 push-ups
50 squats
Friday 230303
Open Test 23.3
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 wall walks
50 double-unders
15 snatches (65/95 lb)
5 wall walks
50 double-unders
12 snatches (95/135 lb)If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 strict handstand push-ups
50 double-unders
9 snatches (125/185 lb)If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 strict handstand push-ups
50 double-unders
6 snatches (155/225 lb)Post reps completed to comments and submit your results as part of the 2023 CrossFit Games Open.
View full 23.3 Class Plan
Visit the CrossFit Games website for all versions of the workout.
Intermediate option:
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 scaled wall walks
50 single-unders
15 snatches (45/65 lb)
5 scaled wall walks
50 single-unders
12 snatches (65/95 lb)If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 hand-release push-ups
50 single-unders
9 snatches (75/115 lb)If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 hand-release push-ups
50 single-unders
6 snatches (85/135 lb)Beginner option:
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 bear crawls
50 jumping jacks
15 snatches (35/45 lb)
5 bear crawls
50 jumping jacks
12 snatches (35/45 lb)If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
5 bear crawls
60 jumping jacks
9 snatches (75/115 lb)If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
5 bear crawls
60 jumping jacks
6 snatches (85/135 lb)
Thursday 230302
Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3 rep
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Compare to 170109.Scaling:
Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible, while newer athletes can use this workout as an opportunity to drill the movement.
Wednesday 230301
For time:
Run 800 meters
20 single-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating
20 double dumbbell squat cleans
100 sit-ups
20 double dumbbell squat cleans
20 single-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating
Run 800 meters♀ 30-lb DBs ♂ 45-lb DBs
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Compare to 070302.Scaling:
Newer athletes should reduce the dumbbell weight and/or overall volume in order to perform the movements with proper technique, and complete the work in the 14-18-minute range.Intermediate Option:
For time:
Run 800 meters
20 single-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating
20 double dumbbell squat cleans
100 sit-ups
20 double dumbbell squat cleans
20 single-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating
Run 800 meters♀ 20-lb DBs ♂ 30-lb DBs
Beginner Option:
For time:
Run 400 meters
10 single-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating
10 double dumbbell squat cleans
50 sit-ups
10 double dumbbell squat cleans
10 single-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating
Run 400 meters♀ 10-lb DBs ♂ 15-lb DBs
Monday 230227
5 rounds of:
5 minutes of rowing
5 minutes of restPost distance rowed each interval to comments.
Compare to 210207.Scaling:
Newer athletes should reduce the number of rounds but can maintain the same row duration. Intermediate athletes can complete this workout as prescribed.Beginner Option:
3 rounds of:
5 minutes of rowing
5 minutes of rest
Sunday 230226
10 rounds for time of:
5 pull-ups
5 push-ups5 rounds for time of:
10 GHD sit-ups
10 back extentions2 rounds for time of:
25 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. Ball
25 box jumps, 24-inchRest as needed between couplets. Post time for each couplet to comments.
Compare to 140702.Scaling:
Modify the movements in order to keep sets unbroken. Work for virtuosity. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed.Beginner Option:
5 rounds for time of:
5 pull-ups
5 push-ups
3 rounds for time of:
10 sit-ups
10 back extensions
1 round for time of:
25 wall-ball shots
25 box jumps♀ 6-lb ball, 12-in box
♂ 10-lb ball, 20-in box