Saturday 241116
Saturday 241116
Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Compare to 240402 and 230403.
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Today’s workout is a heavy day. Advanced and intermediate athletes should perform triples, while less-experienced athletes should perform a few more reps and focus on the quality of their movement. Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible and push to hit a new 3-rep max. Newer athletes should work at submaximal loads, working to refine their technique and dial in consistent movement patterns.Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.Beginner option:
Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 repsCoaching cues:
Right before you begin to squat, take a deep breath in. With this breath, keep your belly tight, and imagine using your belly button to push your hips back and down to the bottom of the squat. Exhale as you drive out of the bottom of the squat.Resources:
The Back Squat
What Is a Squat?Find a gym near you:
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Friday 241115
Friday 241115
5 rounds for time:
18/25-calorie row
25 burpees over the rowerPost times to comments.
Today’s workout is a gut check. Find a pace on both the rower and the burpees you can maintain and keep yourself moving. Going out “hot” on the rower does you no good if your pace slows down your burpees. Most can perform the movements as prescribed, however, consider a combination of reps and calories that allows you to finish a round in 4 minutes or less.Intermediate option:
5 rounds for time:
15/20-calorie row
20 burpees over the rowerBeginner option:
5 rounds for time:
7/10-calorie row
10 burpees over the rowerCoaching cues:
On the burpees, stay low as you transition from one side of the rower to the next. This will decrease your cycle time.Resources:
Lateral Burpee Over the Rower | CrossFit Movement DemoNovember 2024 Find a gym near you:
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Wednesday 241113
Wednesday 241113
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 kettlebell snatches, right arm
4 kettlebell snatches, left arm
12 medicine-ball cleans♀ 35-lb kettlebell and 14-lb medicine ball
♂ 53-lb kettlebell and 20-lb medicine ballPost rounds and reps to comments.
In today’s workout, there is no reason to stop. You will be moving constantly for 8 minutes. The loading of both the kettlebell and the medicine ball should allow you to perform unbroken reps throughout the entire workout. Come out fast and hang on. Remember, even though you are trying to move quickly, don’t cut the range of motion short on either movement. If you feel like you are out of control, slow down and dial in your technique before trying to speed back up.Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 kettlebell snatches, right arm
4 kettlebell snatches, left arm
12 medicine-ball cleans♀ 26-lb kettlebell and 14-lb medicine ball
♂ 44-lb kettlebell and 20-lb medicine ballBeginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 single-arm kettlebell swings, right arm
4 single-arm kettlebell swings, left arm
12 medicine-ball cleans♀ 18-lb kettlebell and 6-lb medicine ball
♂ 35-lb kettlebell and 10-lb medicine ballCoaching cues:
As you transition the kettlebell from a swing to the overhead position, loosen up your grip, punch the hand to the sky, and the thumb should finish pointing behind you. This transition is quick and the kettlebell should swing into position against the back of your forearm.Resources:
The Kettlebell Snatch
The Medicine-Ball Clean
Single-Arm Kettlebell SwingFind a gym near you:
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Tuesday 241112
Tuesday 241112
For time:
15 ring muscle-ups
50-foot handstand walk
12 ring muscle-ups
100-foot handstand walk
9 ring muscle-ups
150-foot handstand walkPost times to comments.
Today’s workout is a gymnastics endurance and stamina tester. Expect both the muscle-ups and the handstand walk to not play nicely with one another. With that in mind, consider your strategy for this workout. Do you go unbroken on the muscle-ups? If you do, do you have the pressing stamina to kick right up and start your handstand walk? Or are you better off breaking up your muscle-ups to preserve more gas in the tank for the handstand walk? These are questions you need to consider. Take fatigue into consideration. If you need an extra break before kicking up into a handstand or jumping up on the rings, do it. You know your body best.Intermediate option:
For time:
9 ring muscle-ups
60-second handstand walk for distance
6 ring muscle-ups
90-second handstand walk for distance883 ring muscle-ups
120-second handstand walk for distanceBeginner option:
For time:
9 low-ring muscle-up transitions
50-foot bear crawl
6 low-ring muscle-up transitions
100-foot bear crawl
3 low-ring muscle-up transitions
150-foot bear crawlCoaching cues:
Delay the transition a little longer than you want to. This means letting your hips and momentum in the swing carry you as high as possible before transitioning to the bottom of the dip. This will help you last longer and maybe help you get a few extra reps.Resources:
The Kipping Muscle-Up
The Handstand Walk
Low Ring Muscle-Up Tips | CrossFit Coaching Tips
The Bear Crawl
A New Way to Work Toward Muscle-Ups
Handstand Walk Progression With Austin MalleoloFind a gym near you:
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Monday 241111
Monday 241111
For time:
1,000 weighted step-ups♀ 35-lb ruck, 20-inch box
♂ 45-lb ruck, 20-inch boxPost time to comments.
Compare to 231111.
Sara Wilkinson, CrossFit, and Rogue Fitness present the Hero workout CHAD1000X in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who died by suicide on Oct. 29, 2018, due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast-wave injuries, and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad’s life and legacy, and to raise awareness for suicide prevention.
Click here to officially register and to learn more about CHAD1000X and The Step Up Foundation’s mission to raise awareness around and prevent veteran suicide.
Today’s workout is a long grind. Complete as a team, with a partner, or individually for time. Reduce the load and height of the step-up as needed. If you have completed this workout previously, look back and use that information to help you tackle today’s effort.Intermediate option:
For time:
1,000 weighted step-ups
♀ 20-lb ruck, you pick the height of the step-ups
♂ 30-lb ruck, you pick the height of the step-upsBeginner option:
For time:
1,000 unweighted box step-ups
No rucksack, you pick the height of the step-ups.Coaching cues: During each step-up, focus on keeping your knees tracking in line with the toes and standing up by taking your chest to the sky. These two points will ensure the best posture and mechanics throughout the workout.
The Box Step-Up
Tips for Beginners
Partner Tips
CHAD1000X Hero Workout
The Step-Up Foundation
CrossFit Hero and Tribute WorkoutsFind a gym near you:
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Saturday 241109
Saturday 241109
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Power snatches
Strict handstand push-ups♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lbPost time to comments.
Today’s workout is another weightlifting and gymnastics couplet. It is actually a play on Wednesday’s workout. On Wednesday, we had movement interference with the pull of the deadlift and the pull of the strict pull-up. It was also very grippy.Today, you will find movement interference with the pressing in the overhead position of the snatch and the pressing of the strict handstand push-up. The power snatch loading should be moderate and allow you to perform a few touch-and-go reps, as well as a few singles here and there. For the strict handstand push-ups, we recommend you be able to perform consistent sets of 5 reps unbroken if you are going to tackle the prescribed number of reps.
Movement interference is not something programmed regularly as it tends to slow us down and decrease intensity. However, movement interference does a great job of building muscular stamina and endurance.
Intermediate option:
For time:
21-15-9 reps
Power snatches
12-9-6 reps
Strict handstand push-ups♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lbBeginner option:
15-12-9 reps for time of:
Power snatches
Dumbbell shoulder presses♀ 65-lb barbell and 15-lb dumbbells
♂ 95-lb barbell and 20-lb dumbbellsCoaching cues:
Just because a movement is strict does not mean it has to be slow. As soon as your head touches the ground on the strict handstand push-ups, squeeze everything tight, push your hands into the ground, and push your head through your arms to finish the rep.Resources:
The Power Snatch
The Strict Handstand Push-Up
The Dumbbell Shoulder Press
HSPU and You: Master the MovementFind a gym near you:
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Friday 241108
Friday 241108
3 rounds for time of:
35 GHD sit-ups
70 double-unders
400-meter runPost time to comments.
Today’s workout is a bit of a midline burner. Expect the GHD sit-ups to challenge your posture for the double-unders and the run. This will force you to put extra emphasis on maintaining better posture and a rigid midline throughout the workout. With that said, if you are not accustomed to the GHD, you should consider scaling the reps and range of motion. If you struggle with double-unders, do not spend more than 2 minutes working on this movement. Instead, spend the 2 minutes accumulating attempts and then move on to the run after time is up.Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
25 GHD sit-ups to parallel
40 double-unders
400-meter runBeginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
20 sit-ups
40 single-unders
200-meter runCoaching cues:
As your midline gets fatigued, you might begin to “slouch” with your posture on your double-unders. This makes it difficult to breathe and recover. Focus on keeping a forward gaze and being as upright as possible when you are performing double-unders.Resources:
The GHD Sit-Up
The Double-Under
Training the GHD Sit-Up
Master the Movement: Double-UndersFind a gym near you:
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Wednesday 241106
Wednesday 241106
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Strict pull-ups♀ 155 lb
♂ 225 lbPost time to comments.
Today’s workout is a gymnastics and weightlifting couplet. Most should finish this effort in 10 minutes or less. For those proficient with these movements, it will be a sprint. However, if you can perform at least 7 reps with the prescribed deadlift weight and consistent sets of 5 unbroken strict pull-ups, then you should hit this workout as written. It might not be a sprint, but it will be an opportunity to build capacity in these two movements. If you cannot hit those targets, reduce the loading of the barbell and the difficulty of the strict pull-up.Intermediate option:
For time:
21-15-9 reps
12-9-6 reps
Strict pull-ups♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lbBeginner option:
15-12-9 reps for time of:
Ring rows♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lbCoaching cues:
In the deadlift, delay the knee bend on the return of the barbell. After you stand up the load, unlock your knees and then focus on sending your hips back while keeping your chest up. You should feel tension in your glutes and hamstrings — this is good. Once the bar passes the knees, you can bend the knees and return the barbell to the floor.Resources:
The Deadlift
The Strict Pull-Up
The Ring Row
Scaling Pull-Ups for BeginnersFind a gym near you:
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Tuesday 241105
Tuesday 241105
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
20 burpees
20 air squats
20 box jump-overs
20 air squats
20 toes-to-bars♀ 20-inch box
♂ 24-inch boxPost rounds and reps to comments.
Today’s workout is a longer effort with a large volume of bodyweight movements. This effort will be very similar to a workout like Cindy where you are moving at a steady pace for 20 minutes. All athletes should aim to complete a single round in 5 minutes or less. If the prescribed exercises don’t allow for this, scale the reps and/or difficulty of the movement. For example, scale the toes-to-bars by reducing the reps or performing 20 hanging knee raises. Work hard and have fun with this one.Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
15 burpees
15 air squats
15 box step-overs
15 air squats
15 hanging knee raises♀ 12-inch box
♂ 20-inch boxCoaching cues:
Master the basics. The air squat is a simple yet effective movement. Don’t knock it just because it is “easy.” Challenge yourself to maintain solid mechanics. The hips move back and down, heels down, knees out, lumbar arch maintained, and hips finish below the knees. Don’t skimp on these points of performance.Resources:
The Burpee
The Air Squat
Box Jump-Over Variations
Box Step-Over
The Kipping Toes-to-Bar
Kipping Hanging Knee Raises
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Monday 241104
Monday 241104
For time:
20-calorie Echo bike
20 clean and jerks
20-calorie Echo bike♀ 105 lb
♂ 165 lbPost time to comments.
Compare to 221016.
Today’s workout is a sprint effort. No pacing. Most know what they are capable of if they “game” the bike. However, it becomes a different story and maybe a little more scary when you dance with the unknown. The loading of the barbell should be moderate and allow you to complete the weightlifting portion of this workout with quick sets and minimal rest. Adjust load to spend no more than 4 minutes on the 20 clean and jerks, allowing for a rep at least every 12 seconds.Intermediate option:
For time:
20-calorie Echo bike
20 clean and jerks
20-calorie Echo bike♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lbBeginner option:
For time:
20-calorie Echo bike
20 clean and jerks
20-calorie Echo bike♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lbCoaching cues:
Think of the clean and jerk as two jumps. The first jump gets the barbell to the shoulders and the second jump gets the barbell from the shoulders to the overhead position.Resources:
Rogue Echo Bike
The Clean and Jerk
The Power Clean and Push Jerk
The Power Clean and Split JerkFind a gym near you:
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