Saturday 241005
Saturday 241005
For time:
100 double-unders
50 GHD sit-ups
25 power cleans
50 GHD sit-ups
100 double-unders♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lbScaling:
Today’s workout is a pyramid-style workout with a moderately loaded barbell sandwiched between a few bodyweight movements. The management of the power cleans in this workout should be much different from yesterday's squat snatch workout. Today, the loading should allow you to perform a combination of touch-and-go reps and fast singles. Push to finish the power cleans in 3 minutes or less. As for the GHD sit-ups, if you are not regularly performing this movement, you should scale the reps and range of motion.Intermediate option:
For time:
50 double-unders
30 GHD sit-ups to parallel
25 power cleans
30 GHD sit-ups to parallel
50 double-unders♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lbBeginner option:
For time:
50 single-unders
25 sit-ups
15 power cleans
25 sit-ups
50 single-unders♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lbCoaching cues:
Relax the quads when you are seated on the GHD. The knees should be bent as you lay back, then squeeze the quads, drive the heels down, and reach for the foot pads to complete the sit-up. This happens on every rep.Resources:
The Double-Under
The GHD Sit-Up
The Power Clean
Training the GHD Sit-UpFind a gym near you:
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Friday 241004
Friday 241004
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
Squat snatch♀ Body weight
♂ Body weightScaling:
Today’s workout is all about weightlifting stamina with a moderate-to-heavy barbell. Adjust the loading to maintain at least 3 reps per minute. Do not expect to perform many, if any, touch-and-go reps. Instead, focus on performing singles and managing your rest time between reps. Consider taking 5 to 20 seconds between reps, and remember to breathe.Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
Squat snatch♀ 3/4 body weight
♂ 3/4 body weightBeginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
Power snatch♀ 1/2 body weight
♂ 1/2 body weightCoaching cues:
There is no “sneaking” under the barbell. James Brown said it best: “You gotta get up to get down.”Resources:
The Snatch
The Power Snatch
In Defense of High-Rep Olympic Lifts
Thursday 241003
Thursday 241003
Featured Article:
Developing CrossFit Coaches for Lifelong Career and SuccessCoaching in CrossFit is a continuous journey of growth and development, where success relies on fostering critical thinking, lifelong learning, and giving constructive feedback. Elite coaches like Nicole Christensen exemplify the importance of always evolving, understanding that even with years of experience, there is more to learn. Structured feedback, ongoing education, and embracing responsibility are key components in developing great coaches who not only improve their own skills but also enhance the gym experience for members. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and mentorship, CrossFit gyms can ensure long-term success and stronger athlete-coach relationships.
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Wednesday 241002
Wednesday 241002
For time:
800-meter run
25 kipping pull-ups
800-meter run
25 strict pull-ups
800-meter run
25 weighted pull-ups♀ 20 lb
♂ 35 lbScaling:
Today’s workout is a longer endurance- and stamina-based effort. The run distance stays the same and the difficulty of the pull-up increases. For athletes who are capable of performing the variety of these pull-ups but not the volume, consider adjusting the reps to no less than 15 and adjusting the load of the dumbbell to accommodate your capacity. If you can not perform a particular pull-up in this workout, scale to a challenging variation based on the suggestions below. Aim to keep the run efforts to around 5 minutes or less. The weighted pull-ups will take the most time; however, these should not take more than 5 minutes to complete.Modification suggestions:
Kipping pull-ups - Reduce reps, jumping pull-ups
Strict pull-ups - Reduce reps, banded pull-ups, ring rows
Weighted pull-ups - Reduce reps, reduce load, banded pull-ups, ring rowsIntermediate option:
For time:
800-meter run
20 kipping pull-ups
800-meter run
20 strict pull-ups
800-meter run
20 weighted pull-ups♀ 10 lb
♂ 15 lbBeginner option:
For time:
400-meter run
12 jumping pull-ups
400-meter run
12 ring rows
400-meter run
12 banded pull-upsCoaching cues:
Just because a movement is strict does not mean that the movement needs to be “slow.”Resources:
Running Workshop: Pose Alignment
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Strict Pull-Up
Weighted Pull-Up VariationsFind a gym near you:
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Tuesday 241001
Tuesday 241001
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, right arm
Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, left arm
Kettlebell goblet squats♀ 53 lb
♂ 70 lbScaling:
There is one goal for today's workout: hang on to the kettlebell for as long as possible. The loading of the kettlebell should allow you to perform at least 10 single-arm swings every time you pick up the bell. The same is true for the goblet squats. Try to hang on for bigger sets, and don’t put the kettlebell down when you get to your set of 10. Aim to complete today’s workout in 10 minutes or less.Intermediate option:
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, right arm
Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, left arm
Kettlebell goblet squats♀ 35 lb
♂ 53 lbBeginner option:
20-15-10 reps for time of:
Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, right arm
Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, left arm
Kettlebell goblet squats♀ 18 lb
♂ 26 lbCoaching cues:
In the single-arm Russian swing, pull the chest up away from the kettlebell and let gravity bring it back down between the legs.Resources:
Single-Arm Russian Kettlebell Swing
CAP Demo | Kettlebell Front (Goblet) SquatFind a gym near you:
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Monday 240930
Monday 240930
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 10 ring dips
20 box jump-overs♀ 24-inch box
♂ 30-inch boxScaling:
Today’s workout is a classic gymnastics couplet. The kip of the ring dips and the jumping in the box jump-overs is more closely related than you think. Prepare for this combination to get spicy. Scale the difficulty of each movement to be able to complete at least 4 rounds.Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 ring dips + 5 jumping ring dips
20 box jump-overs♀ 20-inch box
♂ 24-inch boxBeginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 foot-assisted ring dips
10 box step-overs♀ 20-inch box
♂ 24-inch boxCoaching cues:
At the bottom of the ring dip, try to keep your legs somewhat straight. Then, to get to the top of the dip, bring your knees to your chest quickly and press the rings into your pockets.Resources:
The Ring Dip
Kipping Ring Dip
CAP Demo | Box Jump-Over VariationsFind a gym near you:
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Saturday 240928
Saturday 240928
7 rounds for time of:
7 hang cleans
7 front squats
7 shoulder-to-overheads
7 bar-facing burpees♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lbPost time to comments.
This is going to be a grind! The goal is to try to complete each set of barbell reps unbroken. Use the burpees as a place to breathe. We suggest stepping back and up, not rushing them so you can hang on to the barbell as soon as you get back there. Hold back slightly on Rounds 1-4 so you have enough in the tank to go hard on the last 3 rounds. A good goal is to keep each round under 1:15-1:40. Elite athletes may be able to keep rounds to under a minute.Intermediate option:
7 rounds for time of:
7 hang cleans
7 front squats
7 shoulder-to-overheads
7 bar-facing burpees♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lbBeginner option:
7 rounds for time of:
5 hang cleans
5 front squats
5 shoulder-to-overheads
5 bar-facing burpees♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lbCoaching cues:
The barbell wants to rest on the shoulders in the rack position in both the front squat and the shoulder-to-overhead. Keep the elbows up to create this shelf and a better opportunity to maintain unbroken reps.Resources:
The Hang Power Clean
The Front Squat
The Push Press
The Push Jerk
Bar-Facing Burpee Efficiency TipsFind a gym near you:
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Friday 240927
Friday 240927
Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes complete:
Minute 1: 20 wall-ball shots
Minute 2: 15 box jumps
Minute 3: 10 deadlifts. Minute 4: Max ring muscle-ups
Minute 5: Rest♀ 14-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target, 55% of your 1-rep-max deadlift, and 20-inch box
♂ 20-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target, 55% of your 1-rep-max deadlift, and 24-inch boxPost total ring muscle-up reps to comments.
You should be getting at least 10-15 seconds rest each minute, with the exception of Minute 4. Break up the ring muscle-ups or pull-ups early and often. This will allow you to get more reps during your 1 minute of work, and it will decrease the chance of ripping. One minute is a long time for muscle-ups and pull-ups, so be strategic with your breaks — do not go to failure on Round 1. Stay consistent throughout all 3 rounds.Intermediate option:
Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes complete:
Minute 1: 15 wall-ball shots
Minute 2: 15 box jumps
Minute 3: 10 deadlifts
Minute 4: Max pull-ups
Minute 5: Rest♀ 14-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target, 55% of your 1-rep-max deadlift, and 20-inch box
♂ 20-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target, 55% of your 1-rep-max deadlift, and 24-inch boxBeginner option:
Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes complete:
Minute 1: 12 wall-ball shots
Minute 2: 12 box step-ups
Minute 3: 10 deadlifts
Minute 4: Max ring rows
Minute 5: Rest♀ 10-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target, 50% of your 1-rep-max deadlift, and 12-inch box
♂ 14-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target, 50% of your 1-rep-max deadlift, and 20-inch boxCoaching cues:
On each ring muscle-up, lift the hips up and pull the rings to the sternum. This makes getting on top of the ring much easier. Hips up and pull deep.Resources:
The Wall-Ball Shot
The Box Jump
The Box Step-Up
The Deadlift
The Kipping Muscle-Up
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Ring Row
Developing a Muscle-UpFind a gym near you:
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Wednesday 240925
Wednesday 240925
Annie With a Twist
In 15 minutes:
For time:
*Complete 3 snatches after each roundThen, in the remaining time, work up to a heavy snatch.
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lbPost time and load in comments.
Try to relax on the double-unders. If needed, build in planned breaks on the sets of 50 and 40 double-unders to prevent shoulder fatigue and moderate your heart rate. If you get caught tripping up, take a second to relax and reset. For the toes-to-bars, pick a number you can repeat under fatigue with a quick break. The snatches should be a weight you can touch and go all 3 reps, but we recommend singles. This should be a weight you can power snatch. Focus on smooth, efficient reps, then get right back to your jump rope.Once you finish the workout, don't rush to add weight to the barbell. Take a few deep breaths to recover and bring your heart rate down as you start building. Focus on perfect form for each rep and a big leg drive since you will be fatigued from the prior work. The goal is to finish the first part in 10 minutes to give you at least 5 minutes to hit a few lifts building in weight.
Intermediate option:
In 15 minutes:
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
*Complete 3 snatches after each roundThen, in the remaining time, work up to a heavy snatch.
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lbBeginner option:
In 15 minutes:
For time:
*Complete 3 snatches after each roundThen, in the remaining time, work up to a heavy snatch.
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lbCoaching cues: In the double-under, flick the wrist down toward the ground on each jump. If you bring the wrist up while you jump up, you make the rope shorter and there is a greater chance of missing the rep. You jump up while the wrist and arms go down.
The Double-Under
The AbMat Sit-Up
The Power Snatch
The Power of Progression, Part 4: Using ProgressionFind a gym near you:
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Tuesday 240924
Tuesday 240924
For time:
1,000-meter row
5 rope climbs to 15 feet
50 strict handstand push-ups
5 rope climbs to 15 feet
1,000-meter rowPost time to comments.
This workout will not be won on the first row. Row hard, but at a comfortable pace. For the rope climbs, focus on setting your feet to save your arms for the strict handstand push-ups. On the handstand push-ups, focus on keeping your midline tight. Complete sets in numbers just under failure/redline, aiming for small sets with short breaks. Once you get back to the rower, give it whatever you have left to finish hard.Intermediate option:
For time:
1,000-meter row
5 rope climbs to 12 feet
50 kipping handstand push-ups
5 rope climbs to 12 feet
1,000-meter rowBeginner option:
For time:
750-meter row
3 pull-to-stands
30 hand-release push-ups
3 pull-to-stands
750-meter rowCoaching cues:
On the strict handstand push-ups, focus on lowering your head down in front of your finger tips. As soon as your head touches the floor, press yourself away and drive your head through your arms.Resources:
The Rope Climb (Wrapping)
The Rope Climb (Basket)
The Strict Handstand Push-Up
The Kipping Handstand Push-Up
From the Archives: Rowing TechniqueFind a gym near you:
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