Thursday 150205
4 rounds of:
2 minutes of triple-unders
2 minutes of burpees
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Thursday 150205
4 rounds of:
2 minutes of triple-unders
2 minutes of burpees
Monday 220228
For time:
5 strict muscle-ups
50 double-unders
4 strict muscle-ups
40 double-unders
3 strict muscle-ups
30 double-unders
2 strict muscle-ups
20 double-unders
1 strict muscle-up
10 double-unders
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Compare to 170711.
If muscle-ups and double-unders are not yet developed, intensity is less important than facilitating practice and technical refinement. If you are proficient with muscle-ups and double-unders, attempt to finish quickly with minimal breaks.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
5 muscle-ups with minimal kip
50 double-unders
4 muscle-ups with minimal kip
40 double-unders
3 muscle-ups with minimal kip
30 double-unders
2 muscle-ups with minimal kip
20 double-unders
1 muscle-ups with minimal kip
10 double-unders
Beginner Option:
For time:
10 muscle-ups on low rings
50 single-unders
8 muscle-ups on low rings
40 single-unders
6 muscle-ups on low rings
30 single-unders
4 muscle-ups on low rings
20 single-unders
2 muscle-ups on low rings
10 single-unders
Sunday 210523
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Echo Bike (calories)
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Compare to 180416.
This couplet pairs a high-skill, explosive, and frequently frustrating movement with mindless suffering. Pick a modification for the triple-unders that is doable yet still challenging. Try to maintain intensity on the bike while composing yourself for the next round.
Intermediate Option:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Double-unders *
Bike (calories)
*Use the worst jump rope you can find or even an old piece of rope to make these more difficult than normal.
Beginner Option:
For time:
45 single-unders
15-cal. bike
36 single-unders
12-cal. bike
27 single-unders
9-cal. bike
18 single-unders
6-cal. bike
9 single-unders
3-cal. bike
Monday 220502
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
GHD sit-ups
♀ 125-lb deadlifts
♂ 185-lb deadlifts
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Compare to 200402.
If you are proficient in the double-under, practice the triple-under. If you are able to string reps of triple-unders together, perform that skill in today’s workout. Beginner-level athletes should reduce the volume on the GHD and the loading on the barbell.
Intermediate Option:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
3x double-unders (i.e., 63-54-45-36-27-18-9 reps)
GHD sit-ups
♀ 125-lb deadlifts
♂ 185-lb deadlifts
Beginner Option:
18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
♀ 75-lb deadlifts
♂ 115-lb deadlifts
Monday 230731
For time:
15 strict toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
12 strict toes-to-bars
40 double-unders
9 strict toes-to-bars
30 double-unders
6 strict toes-to-bars
20 double-unders
3 strict toes-to-bars
10 double-unders
For the strict toes-to-bar, work to to keep the legs together and as straight as flexibility will allow. If you are unable to complete the movement, modify to a strict hanging knee raise, or seated leg raise.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
15 strict hanging knee raises
50 double-unders
12 strict hanging knee raises
40 double-unders
9 strict hanging knee raises
30 double-unders
6 strict hanging knee raises
20 double-unders
3 strict hanging knee raises
10 double-unders
Beginner Option:
For time:
15 seated leg raises
50 single-unders
12 seated leg raises
40 single-unders
9 seated leg raises
30 single-unders
6 seated leg raises
20 single-unders
3 seated leg raises
10 single-unders